Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg © Config eG 


Labcourse: Optical Material and Systems [OMS/LAB]

Nicolas Joly, Angela Perez Castaneda
Praktikum, 2 cred.h, certificate, ECTS: 2,5, nur Fachstudium
Students for whom the course is mandatory will be informed about the details by the MAOT office.
Fields of study:

Exercises in Computational Optics CE & MAOT

Phillip Rall
Übung, 2 cred.h, graded certificate, nur Fachstudium, Room: 00.133-128 (Animationslabor)
Fields of study:

10:15 - 11:45
08:15 - 09:45
Übung 3 / 01.252-128
Übung 3 / 01.252-128
  Rall, Ph.
Room: 00.133-128 (Animationslabor)
Wed08:15 - 09:45Übung 3 / 01.252-128  Rall, Ph.
Room: 00.133-128 (Animationslabor)

Light Scattering: Exercise [OM/LS-EX]

Andreas Paul Fröba, Michael Rausch, und Mitarbeiter/innen
Übung, 2 cred.h, This exercise is offered online via ZOOM at the times stated in UnivIS as long as on-site attendence is not possible due to the Corona pandemic. More details are given in context with the related lecture "Light Scattering: Lecture".
Thu, 14:15 - 15:45, AOT-Kursraum
Fields of study:

Advanced nonlinear optics

Nicolas Joly, Maria Chekhova, Hanieh Fattahi
Vorlesung, 4 cred.h, ECTS: 5, nur Fachstudium
Thu, 10:30 - 12:30, Zoom-Meeting
via Zoom (online lecture)
Fields of study:
Prerequisites / Organisational information:
The course will be conducted as online course. For more details and registration please go to https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3671904_join.html
The goal of this lecture is to explore advanced concepts of nonlinear optics and their applications. This will cover the following topics:
  • Nonlinear propagation in solid-core photonic crystal fibres (modulation instability, four-wave mixing, soliton dynamics, supercontinuum generation) and in hollow-core photonic crystal fibres (generation of tunable dispersive waves, plasma in fibres)

  • Nonlinear optical effects (parametric down-conversion, four-wave mixing, modulation instability) for the generation of nonclassical light (entangled photons, squeezed light, twin beams, heralded single photons).

  • Nonlinear effects for generating high energy sub cycle pulses (kerr-lens mode-locking, Yb:YAG laser technology, optical parametric amplification, pulses synthesis, attosecond pulse generation)

Please register using StudOn (StudOn-ID: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3671904_join.html)

Fundamentals in Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers [Anatomy & Physiology]

Benedikt Kleinsasser, Friedrich Paulsen, Michael Eichhorn
Vorlesung, 4 cred.h, für Anfänger geeignet, nur Fachstudium
Fields of study:
Because of the Covid-19 pandemia no lectures in lecture rooms will be offered. Instead of, information will be provided via StudOn as online lectures and slide presentations. In addition on StudOn also a forum for discussion will be organized and maintained.

tbd.    N.N.

Laser Tissue Interaction [LTI]

Florian Klämpfl
Vorlesung, 2 cred.h, ECTS: 2,5, Weitere Infos / Further Informations in "Organisatorisches"
Fields of study:
Prerequisites / Organisational information:
Ob der derzeitigen Situation wird diese Vorlesung vorerst in digitaler Form stattfinden - als Zoom-Webinar zum regulären Vorlesungszeitpunkt. Weitere Infos über den Fortgang finden Sie in der entsprechenden StudOn-Gruppe. Den Link zur StudOn-Gruppe finden Sie weiter unten. Due to the current situation, this lecture will be tought in a digital manner for the time being - as a Zoom webinar at the scheduled time of the lecture. We will post further information on that in the corresponding StudOn group. The link to the StudOn group can be found in the following.
The exercises for Laser Tissue Interaction are mandatory for this lecture!

Mon14:15 - 15:45AOT-Kursraum  Klämpfl, F.

Laser Tissue Interaction Exercises [LTI-E]

Benjamin Lengenfelder, Moritz Späth
Übung, 2 cred.h, ECTS: 2,5, Weitere Infos / Further Informations in "Organisatorisches"
Fri, 10:15 - 11:45, AOT-Bibliothek
Fields of study:
Prerequisites / Organisational information:
Ob der derzeitigen Situation wird diese Übung vorerst in digitaler Form stattfinden - als Zoom-Webinar zum regulären Übungszeitpunkt. Weitere Infos über den Fortgang finden Sie in der entsprechenden StudOn-Gruppe. Den Link zur StudOn-Gruppe finden Sie weiter unten. Due to the current situation, this exercise will be tought in a digital manner for the time being - as a Zoom webinar at the scheduled time of the exercise. We will post further information on that in the corresponding StudOn group. The link to the StudOn group can be found in the following.

Leuchtstoffe / Phosphors

Miroslaw Batentschuk, Albrecht Winnacker
Vorlesung, 2 cred.h, graded certificate, ECTS: 3, nur Fachstudium, Im SS21 wird nicht angeboten. Kann als digitale VL aus dem WS 20/21 - Phosphors for Light Conversion in Photovoltaic Devices and LEDs (Ph-PV-LED) im Studon gehört werden. BITTE nach einem PIN-Wort bei M. Batentschuk nachfragen. Oder im WS 21-22. Die VL findet über ZOOM statt. Anmeldung im StudOn ist erforderlich.
Preliminary meeting: Monday, 12.4.2021, 11:30 - 12:00 Uhr
Fields of study:

Light Scattering: Lecture [OM/LS]

Andreas Paul Fröba, Michael Rausch, und Mitarbeiter/innen
Vorlesung, 2 cred.h, ECTS: 5, This lecture course is offered online via ZOOM at the times stated in UnivIS as long as on-site attendence is not possible due to the Corona pandemic. First lecture is on Monday, April 12, 2021 at 06:15 p.m. For attending the lectures and exercises, registration for the StudOn-course "Light Scattering" until Friday, April 09, 2021 at 12:00 a.m. is mandatory (https://www.studon.fau.de/crs2182923.html). Registration will be open from April 01, 2021.
Mon, 18:15 - 19:45, AOT-Kursraum
Fields of study:

Linear and non-linear fibre optics [LinNLFO]

Bernhard Schmauss
Vorlesung, 2 cred.h, certificate, ECTS: 5, nur Fachstudium, Online Course! - Please register in StudOn for further information. https://www.studon.fau.de/crs42787_join.html
Thu, 8:15 - 9:45, HF-Technik: SR 5.14
Fields of study:

Linear and non-linear fibre optics: Exercise [LinNLFO Ex]

Lisa Härteis
Übung, 2 cred.h, Online Course! - Please register in StudOn for further information. https://www.studon.fau.de/crs42787_join.html
Thu, 12:15 - 13:45, HF-Technik: SR 5.14
Fields of study:

Advanced Laser

Nicolas Joly
Vorlesung mit Übung, 4 cred.h, certificate, ECTS: 5
Fri, 12:30 - 16:30, Zoom-Meeting
Fields of study:
Prerequisites / Organisational information:
Due to the corona virus situation the courses will be conducted as an e-learning course. Please go to the StudOn-link provided below for more information.
  • Z-cavity
  • Dispersion management for ultra-short pulse generation

  • Various technique of characterisation of ultra-short pulses

  • Polarisation effects and Jones’ formalism

  • Semi-classical model for a laser (Maxwell-Bloch equations)

The rest of the lecture will consist of seminar presented by the students on the topics of their choice. These topics should cover a particular aspect (fundamental, theoretical, applied) of a laser system or an application of laser (e.g. optical tweezer, high-precision metrology, high-resolution spectroscopy… etc)

Computational Optics CE & MAOT [CompOptCE+MAOT]

Christoph Pflaum
Vorlesung mit Übung, 2 cred.h, ECTS: 7,5
Mon, 8:15 - 9:45, 01.151-128
Fields of study:

Optimization for Engineers [OptIngLec]

Johannes Hild
Vorlesung mit Übung, 3 cred.h, ECTS: 5
Thu, Fri, 10:15 - 11:45, Zoom-Meeting
Fields of study:
WF AOT-GL ab 1
Prerequisites / Organisational information:
This course aims at students of the Faculty of Engineering of all disciplines and is suitable as an elective subject in the Bachelor's and Master's degree.
Requires contents of the lecture Mathematics for Engineers I, II and III. Especially:
  • Linear algebra

  • Analysis of real valued functions

  • Differential and integral calculus in multi dimensional spaces

Programming homeworks require basic knowledge in the implementation of algorithms and data structures in a development environment.

Introduction to continuous optimization problems and methods with and without constraints
  • Classification of problem types

  • Optimality conditions and termination criterions

  • Descent directions and line search methods

  • Convergence analysis

Unconstrained optimization

  • Steepest descent and conjugate gradient

  • Newton-type methods

  • Nonlinear Least Squares

Constrained optimization

  • Projection methods

  • Trust Region

  • Barrier and penalty methods


  • Linear programming and simplex method

  • Integer programming

  • Noisy functions

Programming Homeworks

  • Get in touch with GNU Octave

  • Implementation of optimization algorithms

  • Algorithmic optimization of test problems

Recommended literature:
Nocedal, Jorge and Wright, Stephen J.: Numerical Optimization. Springer Serie in Operations Research, 2006.
Kelley, C. T.: Iterative Methods for Optimization. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics 18, SIAM Philadelphia 1999;
Polak, E.: Optimization. Algorithms and Consistent Approximations.Applied Mathematical Sciences, Volume 124, Springer-Verlag New York, 1997.
Jarre, F.:Optimierung, Springer 2003;
Hamacher, H.W. and K. Klamroth, K.:Linear and Network Optimization: bilingual textbook. Vieweg 2000
optimierung optimization

Thermophysical Properties of Working Materials in Process and Energy Engineering [TPE]

Thomas Koller, Andreas Paul Fröba, Michael Rausch, Tobias Klein
Vorlesung mit Übung, 4 cred.h, ECTS: 5, The course is given online via ZOOM in English at the given times as long as on-site attendance is not possible due to the Corona pandemic. The first lecture will be on April 13, 2021 at 08:15 a.m. For attending the lecture, registration for the StudOn-course "Thermophysical Properties / Thermophysikalische Eigenschaften" until April 09, 2021 at 12:00 a.m. is mandatory (link: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs1525524.html). An optional lab course is offered in context with this lecture.
Tue, Wed, 8:15 - 9:45, AOT-Kursraum
Fields of study:
WF AOT-GL ab 1

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