UnivIS Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg - Semester: WS 2018/2019



Advanced Course in Experimental Physics (Lasers, Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics) [EV-A]

VORL; 4 SWS; ECTS: 10; Di, Do, 12:00 - 14:00, HH
WPF Ph-MA ab 1 von Zanthier, J.

Advanced Course in Experimental Physics (Lasers, Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics) (Excercise class) [EV-AU]

UE; 2 SWS; Do, 8:00 - 10:00, SR 02.779, SR 01.779, SR 00.732, SRLP 0.179; Mi, 10:00 - 12:00, SRLP 0.179
WPF Ph-MA ab 1 von Zanthier, J.

Basic of Lasers

VORL; 4 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 5; Mo, 14:15 - 15:45, 16:15 - 17:45, AOT-Kursraum; Fr, 12:15 - 13:45, AOT-Kursraum; Einzeltermin am 14.1.2019, 14:00 - 18:00, KTmfk-SR, PGS; Weekly lecture for everybody on Monday; exercises on Wed/Thur in sub-groups; additional lab sessions (will be fixed in first week of semester)
WPF AOT-GL ab 1 Joly, N.

Basic of Lasers - Lab sessions

PR; Part of the "Basic of Laser" course; Fr, Di, 12:00 - 20:00, AOT-Praktikumslabor
  Hosseini, P.
Bauer, C.

Fundamentals of Optics [FUND/OPT]

V/UE; 12 SWS; ECTS: 15; Di-Do, 10:15 - 12:45, AOT-Kursraum; Fr, 8:15 - 10:45, AOT-Kursraum
PF AOT-GL 1 Fröba, A.P.
Giraudet, C.
Rothau, S.

MAOT Introduction

VORL; Mo, 9:15 - 12:00, AOT-Kursraum
  Großmann, J.

Modern Optics 1: Advanced Optics [PW Optics]

VORL; 2 SWS; ECTS: 5; Mi, 9:00 - 11:00, SR 01.779
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF ILS-MA ab 1
WF AOT-GL ab 1
Joly, N.

Modern Optics 1: Advanced Optics (Excercise class) [PW Optics (U)]

UE; 2 SWS; Mo, 16:00 - 18:00, SR 01.779
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF ILS-MA ab 1
Joly, N.

Modern Optics 3: Quantum Optics

VORL; 2 SWS; ECTS: 5; Do, 10:30 - 12:00, SR 02.779
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
Chekhova, M.


VORL; 2,5 SWS; ECTS: 5; Prüfung: mündlich; Mi, 16:00 - 18:00, HF; 1. Vorlesung am 24.10.2018
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
Banzer, P.

Physikalisches Kurzpraktikum für Fortgeschrittene

PR; 3 SWS; ECTS: 2,5; Das Praktikum richtet sich an Studenten der Fachrichtung Mathematik mit Nebenfach Experimenteller Physik; Zeit und Raum n.V.
WPF M-BA 4-6 Hammer, L.
Fauster, Th.

Polarization of light in classical, nonlinear, and quantum optics [Ziel nicht übernommen]

Zeit und Raum n.V.

Scientific Programming with Python [SciProgPy]

SL; 1 SWS; Blockveranstaltung 15.10.2018-19.10.2018 Mo-Fr, 14:00 - 15:45, CIP Pool WW; This course will be held as a compact block seminar during the first week of lecture period. This course is highly recommended for all students who take part in WW8 courses (e.g. MuSim 1 or FEM 1) and who don't have any prior Python knowledge. Since only limited places are available for this course you have to sign up for this course on StudOn. Students of the MAP and CE master programmes are also encouraged to join the "Pre-course on Linux and MATLAB" (Prof. Bitzek), which will take place on 04.10 and 05.10, and will provide an ideal background to the Python course.
Moretti, P.

Topics of Optical Technologies

SEM; 2 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 2,5; Einzeltermine am 19.10.2018, 11:15 - 14:00, AOT-Kursraum; 21.11.2018, 28.11.2018, 13:15 - 16:00, AOT-Kursraum; 29.11.2018, 20.12.2018, 14:15 - 17:00, AOT-Kursraum; see time schedule
  Staudt, T.
Fröba, A.P.
Klämpfl, F.
Banzer, P.
Schmauß, B.
Pflaum, Ch.
Joly, N.
