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Improved C-arm Computed Tomography for the Early Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis

Especially in aging populations, Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the leading causes for disability and functional decline of the body. Yet, the causes and progression of OA, particularly in the early stages, remain poorly understood. Current OA imaging measures require long scan times and are logistically challenging. Furthermore they are often insensitive to early changes of the tissue.

The overarching goal of this project is the development of a novel computed tomography imaging system allowing for an analysis of the knee cartilage and menisci under weight-bearing conditions. The articular cartilage deformation under different weight-bearing conditions reveals information about abnormal motion patterns, which can be an early indicator for arthritis. This can help to detect the medical condition at an early stage.

To allow for a scan in standing or squatting position, we opted for a C-arm CT device that can be almost arbitrarily positioned in space. The standard application area for C-arm CT is in the interventional suite, where it usually acquires images using a vertical trajectory around the patient. For the recording of the knees in this project, a horizontal trajectory has been developed.

Scanning in standing or squatting position makes an analysis of the knee joint under weight-bearing conditions possible. However, it will also lead to involuntary motion of the knees during the scan. The motion will result in artifacts in the reconstruction that reduce the diagnostic image quality. Therefore, the goal of this project is to estimate the patient motion during the scan to reduce these artifacts. One approach is to compute the motion field of the knee using surface cameras and use the result for motion correction. Another possible approach is the design and evaluation of a biomechanical model of the knee using inertial sensors to compensate for movement.

After the correction of the motion artifacts, the reconstructed volume is used for the segmentation and quantitative analysis of the knee joint tissue. This will give information about the risk or the progression of an arthrosis disease.

Project manager:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Maier, Ph.D. Rebecca Fahrig

Project participants:
Bastian Bier, M. Sc., Jennifer Maier, M. Sc., Ph.D. Serena Bonaretti, Ph.D. Marc Levenston, M.D. Garry Gold, Sc.D. Norbert Pelc

Osteoarthritis; Computed Tomography; C-arm; Motion Correction

Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2018

Sponsored by:
Erlangen Graduate School of Heterogeneous Image Systems

Maier, Andreas
Phone +49 9131 85 27883, Fax +49 9131 85 27270, E-Mail: andreas.maier@fau.de
Bier, Bastian ; Berger, Martin ; Maier, Jennifer ; Unberath, Mathias ; Scott Hsieh ; Serena Bonaretti ; Rebecca Fahrig ; Marc E. Levenston ; Garry E. Gold ; : Object Removal in Gradient Domain of Cone-Beam CT Projections. In: IEEE (Ed.) : 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposuim & Medical Imaging Conference Record (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposuim & Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Straßburg 29.10.2016-05.11.2016). 2016, pp -.
Berger, Martin ; Müller, Kerstin ; Aichert, André ; Unberath, Mathias ; Thies, Justus ; Choi, Jang-Hwan ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; : Marker-free motion correction in weight-bearing cone-beam CT of the knee joint. In: Medical Physics 43 (2016), No. 3, pp 1235-1248
Berger, Martin ; Müller, Kerstin ; Choi, Jang-Hwan ; Aichert, André ; ; Fahrig, Rebecca: 2D/3D Registration for Motion Compensated Reconstruction in Cone-Beam CT of Knees Under Weight-Bearing Condition. In: Jaffray, David A. (Ed.) : IFMBE Proceedings (World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Toronto, Canada June 7-12, 2015). 51. Edition 2015, pp 54-57. - ISBN 978-3-319-19387-8
Müller, Kerstin ; Berger, Martin ; Choi, Jang-Hwan ; ; Fahrig, Rebecca: Automatic Motion Estimation and Compensation Framework forWeight-bearing C-arm CT scans using Fiducial Markers. In: Jaffray, David A. (Ed.) : IFMBE Proceedings (World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, June 7-12, 2015, Toronto, Canada Toronto, Canada 07.06-12.06.2015). 51. Edition 2015, pp 58-61. - ISBN 978-3-319-19387-8
Unberath, Mathias ; Choi, Jang-Hwan ; Berger, Martin ; ; Fahrig, Rebecca: Image-based Compensation for Involuntary Motion in Weight-bearing C-arm Cone-beam CT Scanning of Knees. In: David Manning, Steven C. Horii (Ed.) : Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging 2015 (SPIE Medical Imaging 2015 Orlando, FL 21-26.2.2015). Vol. 9413. 2015, pp 94130D-7.
Gawellek, Julia ; Bier, Bastian ; Gold, Garry ; : Fourier-based Reduction of Directed Streak Arifacts in Cone-Beam CT. In: Informatik aktuell (Ed.) : Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018 (Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2018 Erlangen 11.03.2018). 2018, pp 127-132.
Bier, Bastian ; Ravikumar, Nishant ; Unberath, Mathias ; Levenston, Marc ; Gold, Garry ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; : Range Imaging for Motion Compensation in C-Arm Cone-Beam CT of Knees under Weight-Bearing Conditions. In: Journal of Imaging 4 (2018), No. 1, pp 1-16
Maier, Jennifer ; Black, Marianne ; Bonaretti, Serena ; Bier, Bastian ; Eskofier, Björn ; Choi, Jang-Hwan ; Levenston, Marc ; Gold, Garry ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; : Comparison of Different Approaches for Measuring Tibial Cartilage Thickness. In: Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 14 (2017), No. 3
Bier, Bastian ; Aichert, André ; Felsner, Lina ; Unberath, Mathias ; Levenston, Marc ; Gold, Garry ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; : Epipolar Consistency Conditions for Motion Correction in Weight-Bearing Imaging. In: K.H. Maier-Hein, T. M. Deserno, H. Handels, T. Tolxdorff (Ed.) : Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017 Algorithmen Systeme Anwendungen (Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017 Heidelberg 12.-14.03). Berlin : Springer, 2017, pp 209-214.
Bier, Bastian ; Unberath, Mathias ; Geimer, Tobias ; Ravikumar, Nishant ; Gold, Garry ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; : Fusing Motion Estimates for CBCT Reconstruction. In: IEEE (Ed.) : 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC) (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Atlanta 21.10-28.10.2017). 2017, pp tbd.
Syben, Christopher ; Bier, Bastian ; Berger, Martin ; Aichert, André ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; Gold, Garry ; Levenston, Marc ; : Joint Calibration and Motion Estimation in Weight-Bearing Cone-Beam CT of the Knee Joint using Fiducial Markers. In: Gary Egan and Olivier Salvado (Ed.) : Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (2017 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging Melbourne 2017). 2017, pp 494-497. - ISBN 978-1-5090-1171-1
Bier, Bastian ; Unberath, Mathias ; Geimer, Tobias ; Maier, Jennifer ; Gold, Garry ; Levenston, Marc ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; : Motion Compensation using Range Imaging in C-arm Cone-Beam CT. In: Springer (Ed.) : Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (21st Annual Conference, MIUA 2017 Edinburgh 11.07.2017-13.07.2017). 2017, pp 561.
Bier, Bastian ; Berger, Martin ; ; Kachelrieß, Marc ; Ritschl, Ludwig ; Müller, Kerstin ; Choi, Jang-Hwan ; Fahrig, Rebecca: Scatter correction using a primary modulator on a clinical angiography C-arm CT system. In: Medical Physics 44 (2017), No. 9, pp e125-e137
Syben, Christopher ; Bier, Bastian ; Berger, Martin ; Aichert, André ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; Gold, Garry ; Levenston, Marc ; : Self-Calibration and Simultaneous Motion Estimation for C-arm CT using Fiducial Markers. In: Maier-Hein, K.H. ; Deserno, Th.M. ; Handels, H. ; Tolxdorff, Th. (Ed.) : Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2017: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen. (Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin Heidelberg 12.3-14.3). Springer : Springer-Verlag, 2017, pp 56-61. - ISBN 978-3-662-54344-3
Rybakov, Oleksiy ; Bier, Bastian ; Maier, Jennifer ; Unberath, Mathias ; : Simultaneous Generation of X-ray and Range Images using XCAT under Motion. In: IEEE (Ed.) : 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC) (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Atlanta 21.10.-28.10.2017). 2017, pp tbd.
Bier, Bastian ; Unberath, Mathias ; Ravikumar, Nishant ; Maier, Jennifer ; Gooya, Ali ; Taylor, Zeike A. ; Frangi, Alejandro F. ; Gold, Garry ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; : Surface Registration to Estimate Motion in CBCT. In: IEEE (Ed.) : 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC) (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Atlanta 21.10-28.10.2017). 2017, pp tbd.
Maier, Jennifer ; Aichert, André ; Mehringer, Wolfgang ; Bier, Bastian ; Eskofier, Björn ; Levenston, Marc ; Gold, Garry ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; Bonaretti, Serena ; : Feasibility of Motion Compensation using Inertial Measurement in C-arm CT. In: IEEE (Ed.) : Conference Record of the 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) (2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Sydney 10.-17.11.2018). 2018, pp tbd.
Shi, Lan ; Berger, Martin ; Bier, Bastian ; Söll, Christopher ; Röber, Jürgen ; Fahrig, Rebecca ; Eskofier, Björn ; ; Maier, Jennifer: Analog Non-Linear Transformation-Based Tone Mapping for Image Enhancement in C-arm CT. In: IEEE (Ed.) : 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC) (IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) Straßburg, Frankreich 29.10-05.11.2016). 2016, pp -.

Institution: Chair of Computer Science 5 (Pattern Recognition)
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