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Kara, the programable lady-bird

In 2003 Springer publishers have published the text-book "Reichert, Nievergelt, Hartmann: Programmieren mit Kara - Ein spielerischer Zugang zur Informatik (ISBN 3-540-40362-0)", aiming especialy to teachers in computer sciences. Parts of the book are based on the thesis of Raimond Reichert reviewed by Prof. Müller. Contributions given by the cooperation with the group at the departement of computer sciences, ETH Zurich, have been integrated in the book (3.4a Variant of Langton's ant; 5.4 not computable: Kara the busy beaver; 3.5 Kara at its limitations: labyrinth problem). The book is supplemented by examples and exercises, which are available in the internet. For detailed information look at: http://www.educeth.ch/compscience/karatojava/ Kara mastering labyrinths can be found at: http://www.educeth.ch/informatik/karatojava/kara/karafuerprofis.html
In the extension MultiKara up to four Karas act simultaneously in an interleaving mode. Stimulated by a question by J. Nievergelt simultaneous tiling of a rectangle by two Karas was investigated and solved. The question whether the Blum-Kozen-algorithm for two cooperating mice without traces is implementable by two Karas remained open. For the special case of a rectangular domain and minor restrictions concerning the starting position a solution was given in 2002. Details are contained in the technical report http://www3.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/Publications/Reports/RechteckParkettMit2Karas.pdf
Project manager:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Horst Müller

Kara; Labyrinth problem

Duration: 1.11.2000 - 16.7.2004

Mitwirkende Institutionen:
ETH Zürich, Gruppe EducETHch Informatik

Müller, Horst: Parkettierung eines Rechtecks mit zwei Karas. Erlangen : Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. 2002. - Internal report

Institution: Chair of Computer Science 3 (Hardware Architectures)
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