Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg © Config eG 

Optional Language Module O-1 (OptLang O-1)20 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Optional Language Module O-1)
(Prüfungsordnungsmodul: Optional Language Module O-1)

Startsemester: SS 2022Dauer: 1 SemesterTurnus: halbjährlich (WS+SS)
Präsenzzeit: Std.Eigenstudium: Std.Sprache:



Students can take classes in any language.

The module O-1 may be chosen up to two times (either for two different languages or for different levels of the same language) - hence it is possible to gain a maximum of 20 ECTS from O-1.

Please write to Ingrid Fandrych (ingrid.fandrych@fau.de), who will forward your message to the co-ordinator for the respective language.

You can also contact the Sprachlernberatung (sz-slb@fau.de) at the Language Centre for counselling on the choice of language class.

The following hints are only of concern for students with the specialisation Linguistics and Applied Linguistics.

Registering for language courses which students can take as part of their optional language module is prone to creating difficulties, so here is a summary of things to bear in mind:

Step 1: The Planning Phase
Before registering for language courses, you have to decide whether you want them to count as either

  • an optional language module (Very important: Only if you have done courses which amount to 10 ECTS in total, you will get credits that count into the 120 ECTS that you need for your MA.)


  • whether you want to do them additionally without the grade being calculated into your final degree (There will be a different examination number from the one of the optional language module you might have also done!).

To change that afterwards is possible but rather complicated and you would have to address this request directly to the examination office.

Since courses offered by the Language Centre often only have 2.5 or 5 ECTS, you have to collect courses from the same language for the optional language module (also across semester boundaries).

You can do this twice, i.e. you can get up to 20 ECTS, either for two different languages (10 ECTS for each) or for the same language.
Thus, for example, you can get 20 ECTS for German courses if this is not your native language - but in this case you have to make sure that the second 10 ECTS are from courses on a higher languagelevel then the first 10 ECTS).

Step 2: The Registration Phase
You have to register for most - but not all (e.g. Chinese or Latin) - language courses on the registration system oktis which can be found at https://sprachkurse.fau.de/cgi-bin/anmeldung.

Links to registration sites for courses for which you do not register on Oktis will be found on the UnivIS page of the language course chosen.

If you wish to do German as a second language (Deutsch als Fremdsprache), you should refer to http://sz.uni-erlangen.de/abteilungen/daf/kursangebot/sbsemesterkurs.html#anmeldung for more information. Unfortunately, the page is only available in German. Please refer to your student counsellor if you need help.

If you consider opting for English (HaF), French, Italian and Russian, you will find additional information concerning the so-called “Einstufungtests” (“Placement Tests”) for English (HaF), French, Italian and Russian at https://sprachkurse.fau.de/#astart. Again, the page is only available in German, so do not hesitate to contact your student counsellor.

Finally, here is the relevant excerpt from the current (24/8/18) Degree Programme and Examination Regulations for the Master’s Degree Programme in English Studies (Footnote 5, p. 7f.):

“A maximum total of 30 ECTS credits can be achieved in the specialisation English Studies: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics as follows:
[…] up to 20 ECTS credits from optional language modules O-1 or O-2 in all languages except English (with the exception of translation courses)
that are not the language in which the student took their first degree or obtained their university entrance qualifications;
e.g., depending on the courses offered by the Language Centre, Chinese, French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian and Spanish (insofar as the admission requirements of the Language Centre have been fulfilled).
The module O-1 may be chosen up to two times (either for two different languages or for different levels of the same language) The module O2 may either be chosen by itself or in combination with module O1.”

(übernommen aus dem Prüfungsordnungsmodul Optional Language Module O-1)

Students can take language classes in all languages except English (with the exception of translation courses) that are not the language in which the student took their first degree or obtained their university entrance qualifications, depending on the courses offered by the Language Centre, e.g. Chinese, French, Italian, Dutch, Norwegian and Spanish (insofar as the admission requirements of the Language Centre have been fulfilled). Links to courses can be found here: univis >> Vorlesungsverzeichnis >> Sprachenzentrum

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

The students will acquire language skills depending on the level of the courses they have chosen.

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls / Einpassung in den Musterstudienplan:

  1. English Studies (Master of Arts)
    (Po-Vers. 2021w | PhilFak | English Studies (Master of Arts) | Schwerpunkt Linguistics and Applied Linguistics | maximal 30 ECTS | Optional Language Module O-1)

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