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Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (SecPriPC)

Person in charge

2 cred.h, Sprache Deutsch, Folien auf Englisch, Vorlesung und Übung auf Deutsch

Fields of study
WPF INF-BA-V-SEC ab 3 (ECTS-Credits: 2,5)
WF INF-MA ab 1 (ECTS-Credits: 2,5)
WPF ICT-MA-NDC 1-4 (ECTS-Credits: 2,5)
WF ASC-MA 1-4 (ECTS-Credits: 2,5)

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Die Modulsprache ist Deutsch, Folien sind auf Englisch.
This module will be held in German, slides are in English.
Kenntnisse aus dem Modul "Angewandte IT Sicherheit" oder vergleichbare Kenntnisse werden vorausgesetzt (s. Modulbeschreibung).

Pervasive Computing, also called Ubiquitous Computing, is a computing paradigm that comprises billions computing devices integrated into everyday objects and connected into a global communication network that is orders of magnitude larger than the Internet today. These devices measure environmental characteristics, exchange information about their surroundings and interact with people in many different ways, such that sometimes people may be even unaware that they are using computers. The era of pervasive computing has already started and moves on rapidly, integrating the Internet, smartphones, wearable computing devices (such as Google glass or Apple Watch), smart grid, home automation, intelligent cars and smart cities.

In this course we look at the visions and current scenarios of Pervasive Computing from the security and privacy point of view. We consider security mechanisms and privacy concerns of the present-day technologies, such as smartphone operating systems, GSM/UMTS, WLAN, Bluetooth, ZigBee, RFID, and also of present and envisioned systems and services such vehicular networks, sensor networks, location-based services and augmented reality.

The students achieve the main module goals if they are able to:

  • recognize existing and future computing systems as pervasive through analysis of their conceptual design and development, deployment and actual usage

  • critically appraise pervasive computing systems for typical security- and privacy-related concerns and weaknesses in design, deployment and usage

  • choose appropriate techniques and policies for securing pervasive computing systems

  • choose appropriate techniques and policies for addressing privacy issues in pervasive computing systems

The exercise comprises (1) practical tasks on specific attacks, such as eavesdropping on WiFi or ZigBee communication, and (2) guest talks on selected topics, for example, NFC security. For practical exercises, students will be divided into groups, and each group will have to execute the tasks in our lab and write a report about their work for each task. Further details will be communicated in the first exercise.

Recommended literature
  • Frank Stajano: Security for Ubiquitous Computing.
  • John Krumm (Ed.): Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals

  • Adam Greenfield: Everyware

Other books and papers will be presented during the lecture.

Additional information
Expected participants: 25, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 25
Registration is required for this lecture.
Registration starts on Sunday, 29.9.2019, 08:00 and lasts till Sunday, 3.11.2019, 23:59 über: StudOn.

Assigned lectures
UE: Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing - Übung
Lecturers: Dr. Zinaida Benenson, N.N.
Time and place: Thu 8:30 - 10:00, 00.151-113; comments on time and place: Die erste Übung findet in der ersten Vorlesungswoche statt.

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester WS 2019/2020:
Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (SecPriPC)

Department: Chair of Computer Science 1 (IT Security Infrastructures)
Wed  10:15 - 11:45  00.151-113
Zinaida Benenson
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