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Faculty of Engineering
Martensstr. 5a, 91058 Erlangen, Phone 09131/85-27296, Fax 09131/85-27831
e-mail: tf-dekanat@fau.de
www: http://www.tf.fau.de
Dean: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Willner, Kai
Fakultätsverwaltung der Technischen Fakultät:
Öffnungszeiten Dekanat TF: Montag bis Donnerstag: 8.30-15.30 Uhr, Freitag: 8.30-12.00 Uhr
Management: Bär, Marion, MBA (Dipl.-WirtschIng. (FH), Dipl. Forstwirtin (Univ.))
Deputy Management: Dr. Gebhard, Sonja
Communication Management: Kliem, Stefanie, M.A.
Administration, Strategy and Finances , Construction: Bär, Marion, MBA (Dipl.-WirtschIng. (FH), Dipl. Forstwirtin (Univ.))
Accounting / Secretary‘s Office: Paulus-Rohmer, Susanne; Herold, Christine; Gerl, Corinna
Berufungsangelegenheiten, Professurenverwaltung , Gremien: Kindelmann, Dina
IT Support, Data Management: Gorajewski-Schimpf, Stefan
Research and Young Researchers: Stoltze, Kerstin
Doctoral Affairs: Kirsch, Elisabeth; Schwinn, Claudia; Weber, Mandy
Study Organization, Study Program Development, Quality Management: Dr. Gebhard, Sonja
Evaluation Coordination: Dipl.-Ing. Frickel, Jürgen, Akad. ORat
Room and Lesson Planning: Bassimir, Bernd, M. Sc.
Information and Advice / Student Service Center: Dipl.-Ing. Jakschik, Gisela; Mohr, Christine
Student Assistants SSC: Seidel, Anne; Stein, Jan; Zacharidou, Maria
Study Grants: Dipl.-Ing. Jakschik, Gisela
Communication Management and Public: Kliem, Stefanie, M.A.
Printed Materials: Dipl.-Ing. Maerten, Christiane
School Marketing: Dr. sc. techn. Will, Julia
Women‘s Representative of the Faculty: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Kappes, Barbara
Office of the women's representative: Nietzold, Astrid; Stöcker, Hanna
Psychologisch-Psychotherapeutische Beratungsstelle für Studierende: Dipl.-Psych. Provan-Klotz, Elizabeth, M.A., ext. 27 935


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