Departments >> Faculty of Sciences >> Department Geographie und Geowissenschaften >> GeoZentrum Nordbayern >>
Chair of Endogenous Geodynamics
Schloßgarten 5, 91054 Erlangen, Phone 09131/85-22615
Name | Room | Phone | Fax | E-Mail |
| Leitung | Haase, Karsten | | ext. 22616 | Fax: 29295 | karsten.haase@fau.de | Sekretariat | Scharf, Christine | 01.120 | ext. 22398 Mobile: 09132-6571 (Home Office) | Fax: 29295 | gzn-sek-haase@fau.de | Wiss. Mitarbeiter | Baumann, Nils | | | | nils.baumann@fau.de | Börner, Frederik | 2.129 | | Fax: 29295 | Frederik.boerner@fau.de | Falkenberg, Jan. J. | | | | jan.falkenberg@fau.de | Hampel, Fabian | | | | not known | Hoyer, Patrick | | | | patrick.hoyer@fau.de | Keith, Manuel | 2.124 | ext. 26064 | Fax: 29295 | manuel.keith@fau.de | Krumm, Stefan | 0.107 | ext. 26063 Mobile: 0176 32983466 | Fax: 29295 | stefan.krumm@fau.de | Marshall, Edward | 2.005 | | | not known | Myeong, Bora | | ext. 69604 | | bora.myeong@fau.de | O'Connor, John | | ext. 22398 | Fax: 29295 | not known | Regelous, Marcel | 02.124 | ext. 69602 | Fax: 29295 | marcel.regelous@fau.de | Sotiriou, Paul | | | | paul.sotiriou@fau.de | Storch, Bettina | | | | bettina.storch@fau.de | Wolf, Julian | 2.129 | Mobile: +49 17672117533 | | julian.wolf@fau.de | Radiation protection (RöV) | Krumm, Stefan | 0.107 | ext. 26063 Mobile: 0176 32983466 | Fax: 29295 | stefan.krumm@fau.de | Nichtwiss. Personal | Hertel, Melanie | O.1.143 | ext. 22627 | Fax: 29294 | melanie.hertel@fau.de | Radiation protection commissary (according to RöV) | Krumm, Stefan | 0.107 | ext. 26063 Mobile: 0176 32983466 | Fax: 29295 | stefan.krumm@fau.de | IT-security commissary | Krumm, Stefan | 0.107 | ext. 26063 Mobile: 0176 32983466 | Fax: 29295 | stefan.krumm@fau.de | Webmaster | Krumm, Stefan | 0.107 | ext. 26063 Mobile: 0176 32983466 | Fax: 29295 | stefan.krumm@fau.de | Postmaster | Krumm, Stefan | 0.107 | ext. 26063 Mobile: 0176 32983466 | Fax: 29295 | stefan.krumm@fau.de | IT-support | Krumm, Stefan | 0.107 | ext. 26063 Mobile: 0176 32983466 | Fax: 29295 | stefan.krumm@fau.de | Local UnivIS administration | Krumm, Stefan | 0.107 | ext. 26063 Mobile: 0176 32983466 | Fax: 29295 | stefan.krumm@fau.de | Regelous, Anette | 0.105 | ext. 26065 | | anette.regelous@fau.de | Weitere Personeneinträge | Grosche (geb. Schaarschmidt), Anna | | | | anna.grosche@fau.de | Hars, Esther | | | | not known | Hehn, Patrick | | | | not known | Höß, Alica | 2.129 | | | alica.hoess@fau.de | Lehmann, Wiebke | | | | wiebke.lehmann@fau.de |