The system simulation group of the computer science department at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg investigates the use of high-performance, usually parallel, computers as routine simulation tool for the numerical solution of processes governed by
partial differential equations.
Focus of research
- continuous simulation (simulation of problems described by partial differential equations)
efficient algorithms implemented efficiently
multigrid methods (geometric and algebraic)
Lattice-Boltzmann methods
free surface problems
multi phase flows
large scale parallel simulation
Research-relevant technical equipmentSince November 2004, the System Simulation Group operates its own
52 processor cluster for parallel numerical simulations. The cluster
consists of nine dual processor and eight four processor nodes of
AMD Opteron 2.2 GHz CPUs. The four processor nodes have 16 GByte
of main memory each and are connected with an Infiniband network with
10 GBit/s bandwidth. The dual processor machines feature 4 GByte of
RAM each and a GigabitEthernet network. The Infiniband subnet of the cluster with its 32 CPUs and 128 GByte of RAM, combined with the high bandwidth of each individual processor
to the local memory make for an interesting plattform for memory intensive computations.
Cooperation partners
- Australian National University, Canberra, Mathematics (Dr. Stals)
LAS-CAD GmbH, Munich
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Dr. Quinlan, Dr. Falgout)
Paul Scherer Institut, Villingen (Dr. Adelmann)
Ovidius Universität Constanta (Prof. Popa)
Ruhr Universität Bochum, anorganic Chemistry (Dr. Schmid)
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Computer Science (Prof. Yavneh)
Technical University Munich, Computer Science (Prof. Bode)
University of Cologne, Institute of Mathematics (Dr. Wienands)
University of Colorado, Boulder, Mathematics (Prof. McCormick, Prof. Manteuffel)
University of Houston, Computer Science (Prof. Garbey)
University of Kentucky, Computer Science (Prof. Douglas)
University of Utah, Computer Science (Prof. Johnson)
Conferences and workshopsMinisymposium PDE-Based Methods in Image Processing,
SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Salt Lake City, May 3-5, 2004
Workshop Computing in Science and Engineering Academic
Programs, International Conference in Computational Science ICCS 2004, Krakow, June 6-9, 2004 Minisymposium Performance evaluation and design of hardware-aware
PDE solvers, PARA'04 State-of-the-Art
in Scientific Computing, Copenhagen, June 20-23, 2004
| Head Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rüde
Professor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Köstler, Akad. Dir. Prof. Dr. Christoph Pflaum
Secretary Marina Lintl Office Team Iris Weiß
Project administration Bianca Grimm
Research Assistant Christoph Alt, M. Sc. Richard Angersbach, M. Sc. Ravi Kiran Ayyala Somayajula, M. Sc. Daniel Bauer, M. Sc. Fabian Böhm, M. Sc. Rahil Miten Doshi, M. Sc. Frederik Hennig, M. Sc. Shubham Kavane, M. Sc. Samuel Kemmler, M. Sc. Kajol Kulkarni, M. Sc. Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) Alexandra Lukas-Rother Benjamin Mann, M. Sc. Dinesh Kumar Parthasarathy, M. Sc. Jonas Plewinski, M. Sc. Souryadeep Saha, M. Sc. Riccarda Scherner-Grießhammer, M. Sc. Philipp Suffa, M. Sc. Dominik Thönnes, M. Sc. Amritanshu Verma, M. Sc. Michael Zikeli, M. Sc.
Alumni Dr.-Ing. Birhanu Tamene Abebe, M. Sc. Georg Altmann, M. Sc. Hamed Amin Pour, M. Sc. Rameez Asif Dr.-Ing. Dominik Bartuschat, M.Sc.(hons); Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Bauer, M.Sc.(hons) Dr.-Ing. Ayate Behairy, M. Sc. Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Bergen Dipl.-Inf. Silke Bergler Dr.-Ing. Britta Berneker Dr.-Ing. Simon Bogner, Dipl.-Inf., Dipl.-Math. Dr. Wolfgang Degen Dr.-Ing. Regina Degenhardt, Dipl.-Math. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Donath, M.Sc.(hons.) Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Dreher Andrei Dumitrasc Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Eibl Dr.-Ing. Jan Eitzinger Dr.-Ing. Uwe Fabricius Dr. rer. nat. Sara Faghih-Naini, M. Sc. Dr. rer. nat. Ehsan Fattahi Dr.-Ing. Christian Feichtinger Fan Feng, M. Sc. Gabriele Fleig Serge Foko Fotso Dipl.-Inf. Christoph Freundl Dr.-Ing. Björn Gmeiner, M.Sc.(hons) Dipl.-Inf. Christian Godenschwager Dr.-Ing. Jan Götz, M.Sc.(hons.) Dr.-Ing. Tobias Gradl Dipl.-Phys. Thorsten Grassmann Dr.-Ing. Thomas Graupeter Dr.-Ing. Jochen Härdtlein Dr.-Ing. Rainer Hartmann, M. Sc. Marco Heisig, M.Sc.(hons) Dr.-Ing. Kai Hertel Dr.-Ing. Britta Heubeck Markus Holzer, M. Sc. Jan Hönig, M. Sc. Julian Hornich, M. Sc. Prof. Dr. Graham Horton Dr. Markus Huber Birgitt Hückel Frank Hülsemann, PhD Dipl.-Math. Matthias Hümmer Dr.-Ing. Klaus Iglberger Dipl.-Technomath. Christine Jandl El Mostafa Kalmoun, Ph.D. Dr.-Ing. Nils Kohl, M. Sc. Dr.-Ing. Markus Kowarschik Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Kuckuk Dr.-Ing. Christian Kuschel, Dipl.-Inf. (FH), M.Sc.(hons) Cherif Mihoubi Negar Mirshahzadeh Houman Mirzaalian Dr.-Ing. Marcus Mohr Dipl.-Inf. Christian Möller Dr.-Ing. Kristina Pickl, M. Sc. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Pohl Dr.-Ing. Tobias Preclik Dr.-Ing. Zhabiz Rahimi Dr.-Ing. Phillip Rall Rafael Ravedutti Lucio Machado Dr.-Ing. Christoph Rettinger, M.Sc.(hons) Rainer Rimane Dr.-Ing. Daniel Ritter Dipl.-Inf. Harald Schmidt Dr.-Ing. Jonas Schmitt, M. Sc. Dr.-Ing. Florian Schornbaum Helen Schottenhamml, M. Sc. Dominik Schuster, M. Sc. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Schwarzmeier, M. Sc. Stephan Seitz, M. Sc. Dr. Brajesh Singh Dr.-Ing. Ramon Springer David Staubach, M. Sc. Heike Strohm Dr.-Ing. Markus Stürmer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Thürey Benyamin Wahyudi Dr. Johannes Werner, Dipl-Inf., Dipl.-Math. Lukas Werner, M. Sc. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wohlmuth Dr.-Ing. Shuai Yan