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Experimental physics of modern materials (A): Photophysics (EPM-MAT, PW)5 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Experimental physics of modern materials (A): Photophysics)
(Prüfungsordnungsmodul: Materials physics elective course)

Modulverantwortliche/r: Daniel Niesner
Lehrende: Daniel Niesner

weitere Studienfächer/Prüfungsordnungsmodule:

Physikalische Wahlfächer (16552) Physikalische Wahlfächer (32647) Physikalische Wahlfächer (34267) Weitere Module aus dem Wahlpflichtbereich 1 (38034) Materialphysikalisches Wahlfach (43483) Experimental physics of modern materials Part A (80893) Physics elective courses (80959)

Start semester: WS 2018/2019Duration: 1 semesterCycle: unregelmäßig
Präsenzzeit: 60 Std.Eigenstudium: 90 Std.Language: Englisch



This course will discuss the basic photophysical processes involved in and following the optical excitation of materials. Experimental techniques will be introduced to characterize these processes, which involve the optical absorption of light, the subsequent energetic carrier relaxation, phototransport, and carrier recombination. The functionality and performance of a large number of optoelectronic components, such as solar cell absorbers, photodetectors, or emitter materials for light-emitting diodes, rely on different combinations of these steps. While they can, in principle, be observed in a large variety of condensed-matter systems, their dynamics differ strongly between bulk direct and indirect band semiconductors, (quantum) confined systems, or materials with strong carrier localization, which can arise from exciton or polaron formation.
The spectroscopic and time-resolved techniques, which are commonly applied to characterize the responses of these different systems to photoexcitation, will be introduced. These include both optical and electron spectroscopy techniques.


  • band-to-band transitions in direct and indirect semiconductors

  • electron-hole interaction and excitons, especially in low-dimensional systems

  • electron-phonon coupling and polaron formation

  • phototransport of delocalized carriers and localized excitations

  • radiative and nonradiative recombination

  • introduction to solar cells, photodetectors, and light-emitting diodes

  • the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit in solar cells

  • concepts for next-generation photovoltaics beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

Learning goals and competences:

  • explain the relevant topics of the lecture

  • apply the methods to specific examples


May be applied to specialisation 'Condensed matter physics' in the physics master program starting winter term 2018/19.

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls / Einpassung in den Musterstudienplan:

  1. Materials Physics (Master of Science): ab 1. Semester
    (Po-Vers. 2015s | NatFak | Materials Physics (Master of Science) | Master's examination | Materials physics elective course)
Dieses Modul ist daneben auch in den Studienfächern "642#65#H", "Materialphysik (Bachelor of Science)", "Physics (Master of Science)", "Physik (1. Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an Gymnasien)", "Physik (Bachelor of Science)", "Physik (Master of Science)", "Physik mit integriertem Doktorandenkolleg (Bachelor of Science)", "Physik mit integriertem Doktorandenkolleg (Master of Science)" verwendbar. Details


Experimental physics of modern materials (A): Photophysics (Prüfungsnummer: 70051)

(englischer Titel: Experimental physics of modern materials (A): Photophysics)

zugeh. "mein campus"-Prüfung: 
  • 71311 Materials physics elective course (Prüfung, Form: variabel, Drittelnoten (mit 4,3), Dauer: -, 5.0 ECTS, Platzhalter).
Prüfungsleistung, Klausur, Dauer (in Minuten): 60, benotet, 5 ECTS
Anteil an der Berechnung der Modulnote: 100.0 %
Prüfungssprache: Englisch

Erstablegung: WS 2018/2019, 1. Wdh.: WS 2018/2019 (nur für Wiederholer)
1. Prüfer: Daniel Niesner (060415)

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