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Englisch für den Studiengang Rechtswissenschaft (Zertifikatsprogramm)

Diese studienergänzenden Fachsprachkurse dürfen nur von eingeschriebenen Studierende der Rechtswissenschaften belegt werden und gehören zum Programm der erweiterten Fremdsprachenausbildung für Juristen. (https://jurasprachen.de/fachsprachausbildung/zertifikatsprogramm) Kurse auf Level 4 (JUR) bilden die letzte Ausbildungsphase des Zertifikatsprogramms Fachsprache Jura in Englisch. Beachten Sie bitte die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen, insbesondere die nötige Vorbildung, die in der jeweiligen Kursbeschreibung angegeben ist.

Eingangsvoraussetzung Level 4 (JUR):

  • Alle vier Fachsprachkurse auf Level 3 bestanden


  • Drei Fachsprachkurse auf Level 3 bestanden wenn der letzte Kurs zusammen mit einem der Level-4-Kurse belegt wird

Kursanmeldung über Studon (https://www.studon.fau.de/cat171823.html)

Englisch (JUR): Zertifikatsprüfung preparation course [SZENLAWZPP]

Kevin Pike
Übung, 2 SWS, nur Fachstudium, Nur für zum Prüfungstermin 2022 zugelassene Kandidat*innen
Blockveranstaltung 10.10.2022-13.10.2022 Mo-Do, 9:00 - 16:00, Raum n.V.

Englisch Level 4 (JUR): Law through TV, film, radio and other media [SZENL4LAWLTFRM]

Francis Henry
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2,5, nur Fachstudium, Programm der erweiterten Fachsprachausbildung: Kurs Level 4 (JUR); Vorbildung zwingend erforderlich: Beachten Sie bitte die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
Mo, 14:15 - 15:45, JDC R 2.281
ab 24.10.2022
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This level 4 law course is part of the final stage of the English law and legal language programme and can be used for admission to the certificate exam.

The course may only be attended by those law students who have already completed all four level 3 law courses, or who are taking the final level 3 course at the same time this semester.

If you have any questions regarding the content or the requirements - in particular if you have moved to Erlangen from another university or have had courses recognised from a period of study abroad, please contact us via Email: hallo@jurasprachen.de

You may attend this course and, if necessary, the final required level 3 law course and / or general English courses in the same semester. It is generally not permitted to take more than two level 4 law courses in the same semester, and a decision on admission to more than one course at this level in the same semester will be taken in individual cases taking into account all relevant circumstances.

Registration is obligatory for this course online via StudOn (https://www.studon.fau.de/cat4538314.html)

Regular attendance and active participation are required in order to successfully complete this course, therefore attendance is compulsory in accordance with the university guidelines (https://info.jurasprachen.de/infodocs/infodoc_anwesenheitspflicht.pdf) which are relevant in determining successful completion of the course.

This course is ungraded. To successfully complete (and therefore pass) the course students will be required to hold a discussion on a topic under the broad heading 'law in the media' to be determined at the beginning of the course and to produce a 15-minute podcast on this topic. Your teacher will provide you with details of these requirements in the first week of the course. In order for the successful completion of the course to be recorded, registration via campo is required. The exam number is 30527.

This course can be taken as an alternative to the usually required general English course (recommended) or can replace the course 'Presenting Skills in the Legal Context'.

This course may only be taken once. Students who fail to adequately complete the tasks required may be permitted to retake the course subject to capacity.

This course will look at the way the law is portrayed through the media (film, television, radio, print media and the Internet, fact and fiction), how social media affects the law - positivela and negatively, and what role the media plays in the administration of justice.
The language focus in the course will be on oral communication, in particular in-depth discussion. Using a variety of (audio and visual) sources, students will be expected to discuss and critically analyse the way the media conveys information about the law and how this can be perceived by viewers, readers and listeners. Students will lead and take part in discussions relating to specific aspects of media coverage, and also on criminal and civil cases that have been reported on or dramatised. In small groups students will also produce a short podcast which will be published online.
Empfohlene Literatur:
All materials and course resources will be provided online (via StudOn).

Englisch Level 4 (JUR): Legal Drafting and Writing Skills [SZENL4LAWLDWS]

Kevin Pike
Übung, 3 SWS, ECTS: 2,5, nur Fachstudium, Programm der erweiterten Fachsprachausbildung: Kurs Level 4 (JUR); Vorbildung zwingend erforderlich: Beachten Sie bitte die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
Di, 14:15 - 15:45, Raum n.V.
ab 25.10.2022
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF JUR-GS-W ab 5
WF JUR-GS-S ab 5
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This level 4 law course is part of the final stage of the English law and legal language programme.

The course may only be attended by those law students who have already satisfactorily completed at least two but ideally all four level 3 law courses with good grades.

If you have any questions regarding the content or the requirements - in particular if you have moved to Erlangen from another university or have had courses recognised from a period of study abroad, please contact us via Email: hallo@jurasprachen.de (mailto:hallo@jurasprachen.de)

You may attend this course and additional level 3 law courses and / or general English courses in the same semester. It is generally not permitted to take all level 4 law courses in the same semester, and a decision on admission to more than one course in the same semester will be taken in individual cases taking into account all relevant circumstances.

Registration is obligatory for this course online via StudOn (https://www.studon.fau.de/cat4538314.html)

Regular attendance and active participation are required in order to successfully complete this course, therefore attendance is compulsory in accordance with the university guidelines (https://info.jurasprachen.de/infodocs/infodoc_anwesenheitspflicht.pdf) which are relevant in determining admissibility to the exam.

Assessment for this course is by way of a written assessed task during the semester (20%) and contribution towards a legal academic article (80%). Your teacher will provide you with details of the assessed task and any requirements regarding the article in the first week of the course. Registration for the exam via campo is required. The exam number is 30159.

This course is offered every semester. Students who fail the exam and wish to retake it may do so at the end of the next semester without having to retake the whole course, providing they obtain the grade 4,7. Students who fail with the grade 5,0 may need to retake the whole course before being allowed to attempt the exam again.

This course focuses primarily on written work in legal and formal contexts. You will be expected to be able to use the general English and the legal lexis which you acquired in your earlier Level 2 and Level 3 courses in order to express yourself in writing more confidently and more fluently in legal and formal situations. This will include practice-orientated tasks such as writing legal correspondence, drafting legal documents for a case and writing case summaries. Students will also work on an academic article (in groups).
Empfohlene Literatur:
All materials and course resources will be provided online (via StudOn).
Juristische Fachsprachausbildung

Englisch Level 4 (JUR): Presenting Skills in the Legal Context [SZENL4LAWPSLC]

Kevin Pike
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2,5, nur Fachstudium, Programm der erweiterten Fachsprachausbildung: Kurs Level 4 (JUR); Vorbildung zwingend erforderlich: Beachten Sie bitte die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
Di, 12:15 - 13:45, SP 01.012 Schlossplatz 1
ab 25.10.2022
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF JUR-GS-W ab 5
WF JUR-GS-S ab 5
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This level 4 law course is part of the final stage of the English law and legal language programme.

The course may only be attended by those law students who have already satisfactorily completed at least two but ideally all four level 3 law courses with good grades.

If you have any questions regarding the content or the requirements - in particular if you have moved to Erlangen from another university or have had courses recognised from a period of study abroad, please contact us via Email: hallo@jurasprachen.de (mailto:hallo@jurasprachen.de)

You may attend this course and additional level 3 law courses and / or general English courses in the same semester. It is generally not permitted to take all level 4 law courses in the same semester, and a decision on admission to more than one course in the same semester will be taken in individual cases taking into account all relevant circumstances.

Registration is obligatory for this course online via StudOn (https://www.studon.fau.de/cat4538314.html)

Regular attendance and active participation are required in order to successfully complete this course, therefore attendance is compulsory in accordance with the university guidelines (https://info.jurasprachen.de/infodocs/infodoc_anwesenheitspflicht.pdf) which are relevant in determining successful completion of the course.

There is no final written exam for this course as the assessment will be based on continuous assessment. Your tutor will provide you with details of assessment requirements in the first week of the course. Registration via campo is required. The exam number is 30162.

This course is offered every semester. Students who fail the exam and wish to retake it may do so at the end of the next semester without having to retake the whole course, providing they obtain the grade 4,7. Students who fail with the grade 5,0 may need to retake the whole course before being allowed to attempt the exam again.

This course concentrates primarily on spoken formal and legal English in a number of situations: orally presenting academic papers and case summaries, leading the ensuing discussion therefrom and preparing a case for a short mooting exercise, a simulated court case during which the course participants will assume the role of one of the lawyers in the proceedings.

The aim of the course is to improve the oral fluency of the participants’ English with regard to higher register language and to instill them with a great deal more confidence with regard to presenting legal issues in English. The course will build upon the lexis and substantive law attained in the level 3 (JUR) specialised courses and should ideally be taken after the level 4 (JUR) course ‘Legal Writing and Drafting’.
Assessment will be based upon a number of compulsory presentations and the final moot court hearings.

Empfohlene Literatur:
All materials and course resources will be provided online (via StudOn).
Juristische Fachsprachausbildung

Englisch Level 4 (JUR): Translating & Interpreting in the Legal Context [SZENL4LAWTILC]

Kevin Pike
Übung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2,5, nur Fachstudium, Programm der erweiterten Fachsprachausbildung: Kurs Level 4 (JUR); Vorbildung zwingend erforderlich: Beachten Sie bitte die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen
Mi, 14:15 - 15:45, KH 0.014
ab 26.10.2022
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF JUR-GS-W ab 5
WF JUR-GS-S ab 5
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
This level 4 law course is part of the final stage of the English law and legal language programme.

The course may only be attended by those law students who have already satisfactorily completed at least two but ideally all four level 3 law courses with good grades.

If you have any questions regarding the content or the requirements - in particular if you have moved to Erlangen from another university or have had courses recognised from a period of study abroad, please contact us via Email: hallo@jurasprachen.de (mailto:hallo@jurasprachen.de)

You may attend this course and additional level 3 law courses and / or general English courses in the same semester. It is generally not permitted to take all level 4 law courses in the same semester, and a decision on admission to more than one course in the same semester will be taken in individual cases taking into account all relevant circumstances.

Registration is obligatory for this course online via StudOn (https://www.studon.fau.de/cat4538314.html)

Regular attendance and active participation are required in order to successfully complete this course, therefore attendance is compulsory in accordance with the university guidelines (https://info.jurasprachen.de/infodocs/infodoc_anwesenheitspflicht.pdf) which are relevant in determining successful completion of the course.


There is no final written exam. Assessment is on the basis of a written translation task completed during the course (40% of the final grade) and interpreting tasks completed during the course (60% of the final grade). Your tutor will provide you with details of the exam and any other assessment requirements in the first week of the course. Registration for the exam via campo is required. The exam number is 30158.

This course is offered every semester. Students who fail the exam and wish to retake it may do so at the end of the next semester without having to retake the whole course, providing they obtain the grade 4,7. Students who fail with the grade 5,0 may need to retake the whole course before being allowed to attempt the exam again.

This course will help students to improve their English language skills in various fields of the law by confronting them with situations in which they will be required to switch effectively and quickly between German and English.

In the context of written texts, students will be expected to translate legal documents from and, in particular, into English. In addition to this, students will undertake interpreting exercises in which they will be expected to act as a linguistic mediator between a German-speaking party and an English-speaking party. The aim of the course is thus to practise the vocabulary acquired in the level 2 and level 3 courses in a situation where time is of the essence.

Empfohlene Literatur:
All materials and resources will be provided online (via StudOn).
Juristische Fachsprachausbildung

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