Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures (Elitestudiengang)
Common Standards for a Fragmented World? Principles and Prospects of International Human Rights -
- Dozent/in:
- Heiner Bielefeldt
- Angaben:
- Masterseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Master
- Termine:
- Do, 10:15 - 11:45, KH 1.022
- Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
- Um die Studierbarkeit für internationale Studierende sicherzustellen, wird diese Vorlesung voraussichtlich hybrid unterrichtet werden. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch. Der Leistungsnachweis wird über die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einer Abschlussklausur erworben. Die Abschlussklausur kann in englischer oder deutscher Sprache abgelegt werden. Die Veranstaltung ist Teil des Moduls Menschenrechte; sie darf in der Modulgruppe B nur belegt werden, wenn diese Vorlesung nicht bereits in der Modulgruppe A belegt wurde. Der Abschluss des Moduls erfordert in jedem Fall die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einer zweiten Menschenrechtsveranstaltung, angeboten von den Professoren Bielefeldt oder Kinzelbach. Die Anmeldung für die Veranstaltung erfolgt über StudOn.
- Inhalt:
- Human rights are rights held by all human beings equally. They claim universal validity across national, regional and cultural boundaries. Without the aspiration of universalism, the very concept of human rights would cease to make any sense. In retrospect, however, it seems obvious that the historical human rights declarations, starting from the Virginia Bill of Rights (1776), have always displayed aspects of particularism. While headlines, such as “rights of man” or “droits de l’homme” betray an androcentric bias, experiences of people from lower social strata, persons with disabilities, religious and ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples and others may have had merely limited, if any, impact on the formulation of human rights declarations. Moreover, the very idea of human rights has attracted objections that it one-sidedly reflects a European worldview or a Western way of life, which allegedly fail to meet the demands of people from other parts of the world. Do we have to conclude that the aspiration of universal human rights is but an empty illusion?
Before tackling that central question, we have to define the claims of human rights and their inherent limitations. Subsequently, we will deal with the “textbook version” of the genesis of human rights in comparison to more critical, innovative readings of their historical development. We will analyse the relationship between individual rights and communitarian solidarity and explore the specific “secularity” of human rights claims as opposed to notions of divine rights. Another subject of investigation will be the interrelatedness of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. A question that has found increasing attention is how freedom of religion or belief can be reconciled with claims of gender-equality or the emancipation of sexual minorities. The lecture will furthermore explore possible tensions between human rights and democracy. If there is any time left towards the end, we might also deal with controversial ideas of an evolutionary self-transcendence of humanity towards a “post-humanist” stadium and possible dangers arising from such futuristic visions.
The lecture series belongs to the mandatory module “human rights” within the Masters programme “Political Science”. It is also part of the “Human Rights Master” syllabus. Students will have access to background material through “StudOn”.
- Empfohlene Literatur:
- Die Literatur wird über studon zur Verfügung gestellt.
SDAC Film Club -
- Dozent/in:
- Alexander Horstmann
- Angaben:
- Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
- Termine:
- Do, 18:00 - 20:00, Raum n.V.
SDAC Seminar Room 02.276
SDAC M1 Decision-Making Across Cultures - Interdisciplinary Methodologies -
- Dozentinnen/Dozenten:
- Stéphanie Homola, Martina Gottwald-Belinic, Sven Grundmann, Dominik Müller
- Angaben:
- Tutorium
- Termine:
- Mo, 16:00 - 18:00, Raum n.V.
digital format
SDAC M1 Decision-Making Across Cultures Lecture -
- Dozent/in:
- Stéphanie Homola
- Angaben:
- Vorlesung
- Termine:
- Mo, 12:00 - 14:00, Raum n.V.
digital format, StudOn and Zoom
SDAC M1 Decision-Making at Community Level: Decolonizing Education in World Anthropology -
- Dozent/in:
- Alexander Horstmann
- Angaben:
- Seminar
- Termine:
- Di, 14:00 - 16:00, 01.053
SDAC M1 Guest Lecture Series -
- Dozent/in:
- Dominik Müller
- Angaben:
- Vorlesung
- Termine:
- Mi, 18:00 - 20:00, Raum n.V.
SDAC M3 Anthropological Critiques of Culture, Comparison and Representation -
- Dozent/in:
- Dominik Müller
- Angaben:
- Vorlesung, The exam for this course is held in person. Please note the current regulations of the FAU, for teaching and exams during Corona.
- Termine:
- Di, 16:00 - 20:00, 01.053
PSG II, Kochstr. 4
SDAC M3 Critical Ethnographies of Humanitarian and Human Rights Organizations -
- Dozent/in:
- Alexander Horstmann
- Angaben:
- Seminar, ECTS: 5, Master
- Termine:
- Mi, 10:00 - 12:00, Raum n.V.
SDAC Seminar Room 02.276
- Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
SDAC M3 Economic Transition in China -
- Dozent/in:
- Martina Gottwald-Belinic
- Angaben:
- Vorlesung
- Termine:
- Mo, 10:00 - 12:00, Raum n.V.
digital format
SDAC M3 IKGF Project Work -
- Dozent/in:
- Stéphanie Homola
- Angaben:
- Praxisseminar
- Termine:
- digital format
SDAC M3 Legal Culture: Anthropology, Law and Courts -
- Dozent/in:
- Dominik Müller
- Angaben:
- Vorlesung
- Termine:
- Do, 12:00 - 14:00, Raum n.V.
SDAC Seminar Room 02.276
SDAC M3 SDAC Workshop Series -
- Dozent/in:
- Sven Grundmann
- Angaben:
- Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
- Termine:
- Fr, 9:00 - 17:00, Raum n.V.
The workshops will not take place weekly. You will receive a schedule by Dr. Sven Grundmann at the beginning of the semester.
SDAC M5 Anthropology I: Decision-Making and the Anthropology of International Development -
- Dozent/in:
- Tímea Gréta Bíro
- Angaben:
- Seminar, Master
- Termine:
- jede 2. Woche Mi, 12:00 - 14:00, Raum n.V.
jede 2. Woche Mo, 18:00 - 20:00, Raum n.V.
SDAC Seminar Room 02.276; From January 10th only online;
SDAC M5 Economics I: Behavioural Economics -
- Dozent/in:
- Martina Gottwald-Belinic
- Angaben:
- Seminar
- Termine:
- Mo, 14:00 - 16:00, Raum n.V.
digital format
SDAC M5 LawTech Ethnography -
- Dozent/in:
- Dominik Müller
- Angaben:
- Seminar, ECTS: 5
- Termine:
- Do, 16:00 - 18:00, Raum n.V.
SDAC Seminar Room 02.276
- Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
- Covid19 Crisis Update: The course will be taught online. The main platform to be used is Zoom in connection with StudOn.
Participants will receive an invitation for the Zoom Meeting Room. If possible, please inform the lecturer in advance if you wish to attend this course. Contact:
SDAC M5 Political Science I: Prescriptive Models of Decision-Making -
- Dozent/in:
- Sven Grundmann
- Angaben:
- Seminar
- Termine:
- Do, 14:00 - 16:00, Raum n.V.
SDAC Seminar Room 02.276
SDAC M5 Sociology I: The Gender Perspective - Understanding the Impact of Social Factors on Decision Making -
- Dozent/in:
- Anna Schneider
- Angaben:
- Seminar, ECTS: 5
- Termine:
- Mi, 16:00 - 18:00, Raum n.V.
Online via Zoom acess via studon: Non-SDAC students please get in contact with the lecturer via email ahead of time to register for the class.
SDAC M7 Introduction to the History of Premodern China -
- Dozent/in:
- Dimitri Drettas
- Angaben:
- Seminar, ECTS: 5
- Termine:
- Di, 16:00 - 18:00, Raum n.V.
digital format
SDAC M7 Introduction to Western and Eastern Concepts of Leadership -
- Dozent/in:
- Gastredner
- Angaben:
- Seminar, ECTS: 5
- Termine:
- Mo, 8:00 - 10:00, Raum n.V.
Course takes place online
SDAC M9 Basic Principles of Critical Thinking -
- Dozent/in:
- Dimitri Drettas
- Angaben:
- Seminar
- Termine:
- Mo, 12:00 - 14:00, Raum n.V.
SDAC Seminar Room 02.276