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Vorlesungs- und Modulverzeichnis nach Studiengängen






Internet of Things and Industrial Services Seminar (IoTISS) (IoTISS)

Tobias Pauli, Emanuel Marx

4 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits: 5, Sprache Englisch, Application/Registration via StudOn. See chair's website for additional information.

Studienfächer / Studienrichtungen
WPF IIS-MA 1 (ECTS-Credits: 5)
WF WING-MA 1 (ECTS-Credits: 5)
WF MB-MA-IP 1 (ECTS-Credits: 5)

Internet of Things and Industrial Services Seminar (IoTISS)

Credits: 5

The term Internet of Things (IoT), also known as Industry 4.0 in the industrial context, is on everyone's lips today. At the core of IoT is the interconnection of all things, which leads to great potential in the design of a disruptive business model and the creation of new customer experiences. Examples are modern networked cars and production machines in the smart factory. A key driver of IoT is Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). These refer to the linking of real (physical) objects and processes with information-processing (virtual) objects and processes via open, partly global and always interconnected information networks. The basis for CPS are so-called embedded systems, thus objects that are equipped with microcontrollers, communication systems, identifiers, sensors, and actuators.
This seminar addresses the phenomenon of digital industrial services based on CPS and IoT from both a technological and a service science perspective. In the current run, intelligent maintenance is the overarching topic. If errors in the machines occur during ongoing production, the downtimes generate costs which, when summed up, can cause considerable economic damage. Problems that can delay the execution of the maintenance are, for example, missing spare parts, a lack of availability of suitable employees with the necessary competence/knowledge or the cumbersome search for the correct procedure in mostly thick and confusing technical documents from the manufacturer. Therefore, the students will create concepts for the digital maintenance to minimize the presented problems in this course.

Learning objectives and skills
The students

  • work independently in groups on a concept for the implementation of an IoT application from a technological and/ or service science perspective based on a concrete problem definition from research and practice.

  • obtain theoretical knowledge about the highly relevant issues of Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things and, on this basis, the design of industrial services and business models.

  • develop an understanding of the technological possibilities, business opportunities and methods for developing digital industrial services.

  • expand their competencies in scientific research and writing.

  • acquire relevant soft skills for their later working life, such as presenting and working efficiently in groups.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 15
www: https://www.is.rw.fau.de/lehre/veranstaltungen/internet-of-things-and-industrial-services-seminar/
Für diese Lehrveranstaltung ist eine Anmeldung erforderlich.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt von Freitag, 7.9.2018, 00:00 Uhr bis Sonntag, 28.10.2018, 23:59 Uhr über: StudOn.

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Digital Industrial Service Systems
Einzeltermine am 31.10.2018  9:00 - 10:30  AEG 33.1.02
29.11.2018, 17.1.2019  14:00 - 17:00  AEG 33.1.02
Kurs Kick-off: 31.10.2018, 09:00 - 10:30, AEG room 33.1.02 I Fürther Straße 248, 90429 Nuremberg I Not the TÜV entrance!
Tobias Pauli
Emanuel Marx
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