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  Angloamerikanische Gesellschaften I oder II: Unternehmer und Gewerkschaften in den USA / Management and Labor in the U.S. [Import]

Prof. Dr. Reinhard R. Doerries

2 cred.h, ECTS studies, ECTS credits: 5
für Anfänger geeignet, Frühstudium, Sprache Deutsch und Englisch
Time and place: Wed 13:15 - 14:45, FG 1.036 (24 Plätze); single appointment on 16.1.2013 15:00 - 16:30, FG 1.036 (24 Plätze); comments on time and place: Nachholtermin n.V.
starting 24.10.2012

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Anmeldung ab 24.09.12 nur per E-mail unter Angabe von Namen, Matrikelnummer, Studiengang und Semester (im WS) an: Barbara.Haefner@wiso.uni-erlangen.de. Bitte geben Sie auch an, ob die Leistung im Modul Angloamerikanische Gesellschaften I oder II verbucht werden soll. Prüfungsleistung zu je 1/3 aus Referat, Klausur, Hausarbeit (ca. 8 Textseiten), alle Teilleistungen müssen bestanden sein (im selben Semester!).

ECTS information:
Anglo-American Societies: Management and Labor in the U.S.

Credits: 5

Registration will begin 24. September, please per E-mail to: Barbara.Haefner@wiso.uni-erlangen.de. Please include salutation, full name, matriculation number, major and number of semesters studied, as well as whether you want to take the course as the seminar for Politics and Economics or for Politics and Society. The grade will be determined by 1/3 each, consisting of a presentation, a written exam and an essay of approx. eight text pages. All three components must be passed (in the same semester!) for award of credits.

This seminar will be held largely in English. Participants may do their oral presentations,their written papers, and the written exam in English and German.
The seminar will be about the views and policies of managers and labor unions in American society. American culture has produced a business world quite different from the German system you may be acquainted with. Whenever possible, such differences will be discussed.
There will be a bibliography for those interested and a file with texts available at the Chair's secretariat.
First session: October 24. Make-up session tba.

Additional information
Expected participants: 15, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 15
www: http://www.awen.wiso.uni-erlangen.de/

Department: Seniorenstudium
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