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Global Retail Logistics (vhb-Kurs) (vhb-GRL)

Persons in charge
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Evi Hartmann, Hendrik Birkel

Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
4 cred.h, ECTS studies, ECTS credits: 5, Sprache Englisch, The entire lecture and exam is taught in English.

Fields of study

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Die Anmeldung muss über die Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern erfolgen: http://www.vhb.org
Der Kurs ist als reine Online-Vorlesung konzipiert. Der Leistungsnachweis erfolgt allerdings durch eine Präsenzklausur vor Ort.

Diese Veranstaltung ist als ergänzendes Wahlpflichtfach in folgenden FAU Studiengängen eingefügt:

  • Master in Management

  • Master in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen

  • Master in International Business

This course offers specific insights on the logistic processes in the global retail industry. By attending the course, the students should understand the peculiarities of logistics for FMCGs [fast moving consumer goods] better and deeper.
Every module consists of a video lecture and script. Additional material and exercises enhance the presented topics further. As the entire lecture, the readings, the additional material and the exam is in English, proficiency in German is not necessary.
  • Module 1: Overview,

  • Module 2: Characteristics & Basics

  • Module 3: Trends & Challenges

  • Module 4: POS Logistics

  • Module 5: Interfaces

  • Module 6: Load units & Transport logistics

  • Module 7: Cross Docking

  • Module 8: Warehousing & Distribution

  • Module 9: Sourcing Challenges in Emerging Markets

ECTS information:
Credits: 5

Additional information
www: http://vhb.org

Department: Chair of Supply Chain Management (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmann)
single appointment on 5.7.2018  18:00 - 20:00  LG H4 (814 Plätze)
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