Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg © Config eG 

Eislauf b

Tausendsassa N.N.

1 cred.h, ECTS studies, ECTS credits: 1
LAFV, LAFN, LAFB, Sprache Deutsch
Time and place: Mon 12:00 - 13:30, room tbd; comments on time and place: findet an folgenden Terminen in der Nürnberger Eishalle statt: 05.11., 19.11., 26.11., 03.12., 10.12., 14.01.
from 5.11.2018 to 14.1.2019

ECTS information:
Credits: 1

Additional information
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 25

Department: Chair of Physical Activity and Public Health (Prof. Dr. Rütten)
UnivIS is a product of Config eG, Buckenhof