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MODUL III - Mobbing und Aggression in der Schule (MobbAgg)

Dr. Sandra Gabler

2 cred.h, ECTS studies, ECTS credits: 5
LAEW, Prüfungsleistung: Referat, benotete Klausur am 01.02.19; Vorbesprechung am 22.10.18
Time and place: single appointment on 22.10.2018 18:15 - 19:45, SR 1; single appointment on 10.11.2018 9:00 - 17:00, SR 1; single appointment on 11.11.2018 9:00 - 14:00, SR 1; single appointment on 14.12.2018 9:00 - 17:00, SR 1; single appointment on 1.2.2019 10:15 - 11:45, SR 1

ECTS information:
Credits: 5

Additional information
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20
Registration is required for this lecture.
Registration starts on Sunday, 23.9.2018, 10 and lasts till Friday, 12.10.2018, 20 über: StudOn.

Department: Chair of Psychology III (Prof. Dr. Spangler)
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