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English around the World

Dr. Susanne Dyka

PS (MS, PO 2020)
, ECTS studies, Sprache Englisch
Zeit: Tue 9:45 - 11:15, U1.012

Prerequisites / Organisational information
  • Lehramt Englisch an Grund-, Mittel- und Realschulen: Seminarmodul L-UF Linguistics. (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Elementarmodul Linguistics; Studienbeginn ab WS 2020/21: beide Elementarmodule Linguistics)

In this seminar we will have a look at different Englishes used around the world. This will be native, second language and foreign language varieties in different regions of the world. We will also look at creoles and pidgin varieties.

Additional information
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20
Registration is required for this lecture.
Registration starts on Wednesday, 1.9.2021, 19.00 and lasts till Saturday, 23.10.2021, 22.00 über: mein Campus.

Department: Chair of Teaching Foreign Languages with the Focus of Teaching English Language
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