Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg © Config eG 

Lehrerfortbildung zu ausgewählten Themen

Nicolai von Schroeders, Stephanie Gleich

Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

Time and place: single appointment on 24.4.2020, single appointment on 8.5.2020, single appointment on 15.5.2020, single appointment on 29.5.2020, single appointment on 19.6.2020, single appointment on 26.6.2020, single appointment on 3.7.2020, single appointment on 10.7.2020 8:30 - 12:30, U1.014

Additional information
Expected participants: 30, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 30

Department: Chair of Teaching of Mathematics (Prof. Dr. Weth)
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