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UE: Geoarchaeological characterisation of lithic raw material: How to design a multi-scalar research (Lithic raw materials)

Dr. Alejandro Prieto


für Anfänger geeignet, This practical seminar will consist on four different sessions that will show the basic competences to carry out a raw material research. After a short introduction on each session, we will work with different materials and methodologies. On the first session, the students will describe the raw material from an archaeologial site using microstereoscopes and magnifiers. On the second, we will examine thin sections from previously described and sampled material. The third session will consist on the preparation of a geoarchaeological survey and, finally, on the last session we will make a two days trip in the area previously defined and studied. This seminar will be based on a practical approach in which the students must design and carry out all the stages included in a multi-scalar raw material research.
Time and place: n.V.; comments on time and place: Vorbesprechung am 24.04 um 15:00 Uhr im Seminarraum der UFG. Drei weitere termine nach Absprache

Additional information

Department: Chair of Prehistory and Early History (Prof. Dr. Uthmeier)
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