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GS Literature (AE_GSLIT) [Import]

Person in charge

2 cred.h, ECTS studies
für Anfänger geeignet, Bachelor, Sprache Englisch

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Bitte beachten: Die Kurse finden bis auf weiteres als Online-Lehrveranstaltungen statt.

Grundseminar Literature belongs to the following modules:

  • Basismodul Literature in BA English and American Studies;

  • Basismodul Literature in Lehramt Englisch an Gymnasien.

  • Elementarmodul Literature in Lehramt Englisch an Grund-, Haupt- und Realschulen

There are no prerequisites for admission.

The class concludes with a written exam.

This seminar is an introduction to English and American Literary Studies. It addresses questions such as: What is literature and what does it mean to interpret it? What is a ‘canon’ and what accounts for its formation? How do we work critically with categories of literary history? What does literary criticism entail? The class presents basic methods and key concepts of literary studies and practices the use of adequate terminology and analytic reading skills. Participants will discuss introductory academic texts and deal with particular works of poetry, prose fiction, and drama.

Recommended literature
Most of the texts will be available on StudOn, some will have to be purchased. You will be told at the beginning of the semester what texts to buy.
GS Literature (Zapf): F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (Scribner).

Additional information
Registration is required for this lecture.
Registration starts on Monday, 16.3.2020, 19:00 and lasts till Saturday, 18.4.2020, 22:00 über: mein Campus.

Department: Department of English and American Studies
Tue  14:15 - 15:45  C 303
Kurs maximale Teilnehmer: 20
Harald Zapf
Thu  8:30 - 10:00  KH 0.015
Kurs maximale Teilnehmer: 20
Melissa Sarikaya
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