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HS The Rise of the American Novel (AE_HSAMNO) [Import]

PD Dr. Karin Höpker

2 cred.h, ECTS studies, Sprache Englisch
Time and place: Mon 18:00 - 19:30, C 301; comments on time and place: Please note that the seminar starts on Oct 22!
starting 22.10.2018

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Das HS Literature kann wie folgt verwendet werden:
  • L-GYM Englisch: "Hauptmodul L-Gym Literature"

  • BA English and American Studies: "Hauptmodul A Literature" mit begleitender Independent Study Group

  • BA American Studies: "Hauptmodul A Literature/Culture" mit begleitender Independent Study Group

  • MA North American Studies - Literature: 5, 8

  • MA North American Studies - Culture: 4, 7

  • MA The Americas/Las Américas: Modul 4

  • MA English Studies: "Freie Ergänzungsstudien/Wild Card": Wie Aufbaumodul, mit begleitendem Kurs

The course will study the US American novel from its transatlantic beginnings to the late nineteenth century. We will discuss the rise of fiction and the genre of the novel in its social, economic, and cultural contexts and within the intersection of race, class, gender, and national discourses. How does the novel emerge from economic conditions of a literary market? What are its circumstances of production and reception, its conditions and its social functions at a given time?

Note: Please be aware that, by definition, novels are longer prose texts. Reading especially the earlier examples will take patience and effort, and students will be expected to be willing to engage with fictional texts as well as with theoretical texts on the aesthetic and poetological debates of its time. If you feel that you cannot make time for such reading in your personal schedule and semester workload, this class may not be a good fit for you.

Recommended literature
Please acquire and read: Susanna Rowson Charlotte Temple; Charles Brockden Brown Wieland, or, The Transformation; Nathaniel Hawthorne Blithedale Romance; Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Additional texts will be made available on StudOn. Please note that there will be a “no screen”-policy and that you will thus need to acquire paper editions for this class!

Additional information
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 25
Registration is required for this lecture.
Registration starts on Monday, 16.7.2018, 19.00 and lasts till Saturday, 6.10.2018, 22.00 über: mein Campus.

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester WS 2018/2019:
Amerikanistik, Modul 8 A (M 8)
Amerikanistik, Modul 9 B (M 9)
Aufbaumodul Cultural Studies (Master Modul 4)
Aufbaumodul Literary Studies (Master Modul 5)
North America: Culture and Literature (AM4)
North American Studies (AM3b)
Vertiefungsmodul Cultural Studies (Master Modul 7)
Vertiefungsmodul Literary Studies (Master Modul 8)

Department: Chair of American Studies (Prof. Dr. Paul)
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