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Advanced Phonetics and Phonology (AE_HSAdPhon)

Dr. Peter Uhrig

2 cred.h, ECTS studies, Sprache Englisch
Time and place: Wed 14:15 - 15:45, room tbd

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all winter term classes will be taught online.

The Hauptseminar Linguistics belongs to the following modules in the indicated degree programs:

  • BA English and American Studies: Hauptmodul A. (Requirements: completed Zwischenmodul II.)

  • Lehramt Englisch an Gymnasien: Hauptmodul Linguistics. (Requirements: completed Zwischenmodul.)

The Hauptseminar covers a wide range of phenomena related to the pronunciation of English and its linguistic analysis. Topics include
  • how to read a spectrogram,

  • regional and social accents,

  • register variation,

  • stress and stress shift,

  • foreign accent,

  • theoretical phonology,

  • the relationship between phonetics, phonology and morphology,

  • intonation,

  • gender differences,

  • features of rapid speech,

  • phonetic reduction.

Students are expected to read the required reading, which will be made available on StudOn. Presentations need to be pre-recorded and will be discussed online via Zoom. Since it is one of the major aims of a Hauptseminar to have discussions with your peers, you will be expected to participate in online classes with a working camera and microphone.

Recommended literature
Required reading will be made available on StudOn.

Additional information
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20
Registration is required for this lecture.
Registration starts on Monday, 24.8.2020, 19.00 and lasts till Saturday, 7.11.2020, 22.00 über: mein Campus.

Department: Chair of English Philology and Linguistics (Prof. Dr. Herbst)
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