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Epistolarity (AE_OSEpist)

Prof. Dr. Gerd Bayer, Akad. Dir.

3 cred.h, ECTS studies, Sprache Englisch
Time and place: Mon 9:15 - 11:30, room tbd

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all winter term classes will be taught online.


  • MA English Studies: Master Module I (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: keine)

The Master Course provides a detailed examination, contextualization and discussion of a theoretical concept and its (historically specific) application. In this seminar we will focus on the concept of epistolarity. We will focus on forms of writing that make use of letters, including actual epistolary novels. The seminar will contextualize epistolarity in discussions about mimesis and representation and the question(s) about truth and veracity. The texts to be discussed will range from early modern to contemporary fiction, with more recent examples also drawing on current forms of social media communication. Students will be expected to conduct substantial amounts of independent and self-reliant work in the seminar. They will also be trained in presenting and defending the findings of their research. This course also focuses on presentation skills that especially address the needs of MA-students, who will present a paper in the context of a student conference, with discussion.

Recommended literature
  • Bram Stoker, Dracula
  • J.M. Coetzee, Age of Iron

  • Cecelia Ahern, Where Rainbows End

Early modern material will be made available electronically.

Additional information
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20
Registration is required for this lecture.
Registration starts on Monday, 24.8.2020, 19.00 and lasts till Saturday, 7.11.2020, 22.00 über: mein Campus.

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester WS 2020/2021:
Master Module I: Culture (Master I: Cult)
Master Module I: Literature (Master I: Lit)

Department: Chair of English Literature (Prof. Dr. Freiburg)
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