UnivIS Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg


Phone & e-mail directory

Office of Third-party Funding and Related Legal Affairs
Schlossplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen (Postanschrift); Wöhrmühle 2, 91056 Erlangen (Besucheranschrift), Phone 09131/85-70810
e-mail: axel.klon@fau.de

Klon, Axel01.006ext. 70810axel.klon@fau.de
Deputy head
Iberle, Ronja01.005ext. 70805ronja.iberle@fau.de
2nd Deputy head
Lohbusch, Alexandra01.010ext. 70802 (vormittags)alexandra.lohbusch@fau.de
Working group Funding from companies
Funding from companies - Surname head of chair/institute, letter A-Dro and Göc-Kap
Kocakahya, Melissa01.002ext. 70807melissa.kocakahya@fau.de
Funding from companies Surname head of chair/institute, letter Dru-Dz and We-Z
Klon, Axel01.006ext. 70810axel.klon@fau.de
Funding from companies - Surname head of chair/institute, letter E-Fir and Vi-Wa
Maruhn, Anna01.003ext. 70813anna.maruhn@fau.de
Funding from companies - Surname head of chair/institute, letter Fis-Freh and Pfeiffer-Reic
Tengel-Schlichting, Alexandra01.002ext. 70806 (vormittags)alexandra.tengel-schlichting@fau.de
Funding from companies - Surname head of chair/institute, letter Frei-Göb and Reid-Sa
Beyer, Marie-Christinext. 71308 (Mo, Di, Do, Fr vormittags)marie-christin.mb.beyer@fau.de
Funding from companies - Surname head of chair/institute, letter Kar-Lu
Topliceanu, Laura01.003ext. 70808 (vormittags)laura.topliceanu@fau.de
Funding from companies - Surname head of chair/institute, letter Ly-Pfeifer
Dorn, Dominika01.002ext. 70816 (vormittags)dominika.dorn@fau.de
Funding from companies - Surname head of chair/institute, letter Sc-Sol
Iberle, Ronja01.005ext. 70805ronja.iberle@fau.de
Funding from companies - Surname head of chair/institute, letter Son-Ve
Fendt, Maike01.009ext. 70824 (vormittags)maike.fendt@fau.de
EU Office
EU Advisor (funding opportunities and proposals/project management) - Surname head of chair/institute, letter A-Kam
Kropf, Laura01.008ext. 70817laura.kropf@fau.de
EU Advisor (funding opportunities and proposals/project management) - Surname head of chair/institute, letter Kan-Mai
Fendt, Maike01.009ext. 70824 (vormittags)maike.fendt@fau.de
EU Advisor (funding opportunities and proposals/project management) - Surname head of chair/institute, letter Mak-Z
Berger, Katerina01.008ext. 71135 (vormittags)katerina.berger@fau.de
Funding from the EU (legal affairs) - Surname head of chair/institute, letter A-R
Iberle, Ronja01.005ext. 70805ronja.iberle@fau.de
Funding from the EU (legal affairs) - Surname head of chair/institute, letter S-Z
Fendt, Maike01.009ext. 70824 (vormittags)maike.fendt@fau.de
Working group Funding from public donors: Anfragen bitte an die Funktions-E-Mail-Adressen
Working group management Bavarian funding, federal funding, DFG Individual grants, DFG DFB and GRK, ministries and other third-party funding
Lohbusch, Alexandra01.010ext. 70802 (vormittags)alexandra.lohbusch@fau.de
DFG - Individual Grants Programmes
Research Grants, Emmy Noether Programme, Research Units, Heisenberg Programme, Priority Programmes
DFG Einzelförderungzuv-h3-dfg-einzelfoerderung@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter A-Bra
Mattheus, Katharina01.007ext. 70814 (vormittags)katharina.mattheus@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Bre-Fra
Fink, Florian01.007ext. 70826florian.fink@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Fre-Z
Schreiber, Susanne01.004ext. 70811susanne.schreiber@fau.de
Funding from Bavarian Ministries
Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (BFS), Bavarian Research Alliances, BayIntAn, Bavarian State Ministries and State Offices (z. B. StMWi, StMWK), Bavarian Collaborative Research Program (BayVFP), European Regional Development Fund (EFRE), Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb)
Federal funding
Federal Ministries (e.g. BMBF, BMWK), German Academic Exchange Service upport/ project-related exchange of persons (DAAD PPP), European Social Fund for Germany (ESF)/ co-financing from Federal Ministries, Central Innovation Industrial Research Associations (AiF IGF), Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs/ZIM)
DFG - Coordinated Programs (e. g. CRCs, RTGs, NFDI)
DFG SFB und GRKzuv-h3-sfb-grk@fau.de
Other third-party Funding
Foundations and Associations, other third-party Funding
Sonstige Förderungzuv-h3-sonstige-foerderung@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter A-Breh and Ud-Vor
Kawala, Florian01.001ext. 70815florian.kawala@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Brei-Bz and K (without Karl)
Demri, Kathrin01.007ext. 70804 (vormittags)kathrin.demri@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Ca-Cg, Franke-Fz and Karl
Schenker, Christian01.010ext. 70820christian.m.schenker@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Ch-Cz
Lohbusch, Alexandra01.010ext. 70802 (vormittags)alexandra.lohbusch@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Da and Schw-Ub
Rustler, Stefanie01.007ext. 71134 (vormittags)stefanie.rustler@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Db-Dz and E-Franj
Mattheus, Katharina01.007ext. 70814 (vormittags)katharina.mattheus@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter G and Ro-Sche
N.N. [Referat H3 - Drittmittel und Rechtsangelegenheiten der Forschung]not known
Surname head of chair/institute, letter H-J
Walker, Martina01.010ext. 70821 (Mo Di & Do Fr vormittags)martina.walker@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter L-Me
Dorsch-Beard, Karin01.001ext. 70823 (vormittags)karin.dorsch-beard@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Mi-Rn
Koch, André01.001ext. 70812andre.koch@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Schi-Schu
Hoppichler, Britta01.001ext. 70803 (Mo bis Do vormittags)britta.hoppichler@fau.de
Surname head of chair/institute, letter Vos-Z
Fink, Florian01.007ext. 70826florian.fink@fau.de
Local UnivIS administration
Lohbusch, Alexandra01.010ext. 70802 (vormittags)alexandra.lohbusch@fau.de
Weitere Personeneinträge
Behrens, Max01.004ext. 70870max.behrens@fau.de
Wacker, Christine01.004ext. 70819 (vormittags)christine.wacker@fau.de

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