UnivIS Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg


Phone & e-mail directory

Kommission für Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeit

Castellini, Claudio03.15ext. 71174claudio.castellini@fau.de
Management AIBE
Reuschel, Marlene03.31ext. 70674
Mobile: +49 162 4169013
Management CBI
Ditter, Alexander204ext. 29597alexander.ditter@fau.de
Management EEI
Jonscher, Markus01.032ext. 27156markus.jonscher@fau.de
Management INF
Brosch, Christian02.156ext. 28806
Mobile: +49 (0)173 5808106
Management MB
Kreis, Oliver01.022ext. 28769oliver.kreis@mb.uni-erlangen.de
Management WW
Leikauf, Frederik0.62ext. 20940frederik.leikauf@fau.de
School marketing
Ziener, Franziska1.09ext. 25458Fax: 27831franziska.ziener@fau.de
School Marketing / Print
Maerten, Christiane1.07ext. 27282
Mobile: 01523 1381496
Fax: 27831christiane.maerten@fau.de
2 Minuten Wissen
Will, Julia1.211ext. 28603julia.will@fau.de
Jakschik, GiselaU1.250-119ext. 25474
Mobile: 0174/6047570
Substitute SSC
Mohr, ChristineU 1.250ext. 27851
Mobile: 01523 1374311
Fax: 27831christine.mohr@fau.de
Communication and public relations
Kliem, Stefanie1.12ext. 29991 (Mo bis Do)stefanie.kliem@fau.de
Guest TF GF Dean's Office
Bär, Marion1.03ext. 27296
Mobile: 0174 6129068
Fax: 27831tf-dekanat@fau.de
Guest FAU M
Reinschlüssel, Immanuel2.02ext. 70227Fax: 70220immanuel.reinschluessel@fau.de
Guest as needed: TF Teaching and Studying: Dr. Sonja Gebhard TF Research: Kerstin Stoltze TF IT-Support: Stefan Gorajewski-Schimpf TF Women's Representative StuVe

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Umlauts can be typed as digraphs. IF $CONF::sitetellimittext ELSE Es werden nur die Daten derjenigen People angezeigt, die der Veröffentlichung dieser Daten ausdrücklich zugestimmt haben. ENDIF Students of the university are not recorded in the database

You may browse the organisational structure using the following hyperlinks:

Faculty:Faculty of Engineering
Division:Organe und Gremien Technische Fakultät


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