Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg © Config eG 

Chair of Business Administration (International Management) (Prof. Dr. Holtbrügge)

Case Studies in International Management, RUW-6320 (Winter term: [CS]

SEM; Online/Präsenz; ECTS: 5; For further information please see our homepage; single appointment on 9.11.2020, 14:00 - 15:30; single appointment on 14.12.2020, 14:45 - 18:15, LG H5 TeamBank-Hörsaal (48 Plätze); single appointment on 15.12.2020, 9:30 - 13:00, LG H5 TeamBank-Hörsaal (48 Plätze); single appointment on 11.1.2021, 14:45 - 18:15, LG H5 TeamBank-Hörsaal (48 Plätze); single appointment on 12.1.2021, 9:30 - 13:00, LG H5 TeamBank-Hörsaal (48 Plätze); Please see our homepage https://www.im-fau.de
  Holtbrügge, D.
Oberhauser, M.
Raghavan, N.

Foundations of International Management I (1 ECTS, Seminar) [IM1 Sem]

SEM; Online; 1 cred.h; ECTS: 1; For further information please see our homepage www.im-fau.de
PF INF-NF-BWL 1 Holtbrügge, D.
Conrad, M.

Foundations of International Management I (4 ECTS, Lecture [IM1 Lec]

VORL; Online; 3 cred.h; ECTS: 4; For further information please see our homepage www.im-fau.de; Tue, 11:30 - 13:00
PF INF-NF-BWL 1 Holtbrügge, D.
Conrad, M.

Foundations of International Management II (1 ECTS, Seminar) [IM2 Sem]

SEM; Online; 1 cred.h; ECTS: 1; For further information please see our homepage; For further information please see our homepage and the StudOn-link above. Important: this seminar starts after the IM1 seminar has been completed.
  Holtbrügge, D.
Conrad, M.

Foundations of International Management II (4 ECTS, Lecture) [IM2 Lec]

VORL; Online; 3 cred.h; ECTS: 4; every week Tue, Thu, 11:30 - 13:00; For further information please see our homepage and the StudOn-link above. Important: this lecture starts after the IM1 Lecture has been completed.
WPF WING-MA 1-3 Holtbrügge, D.
Conrad, M.

Intercultural Competence, RUW-6560 (Winter term: Only for Bachelor IBS students) [IC]

SEM; Online/Präsenz; ECTS: 5; For further information please see our homepage www.im-fau.de; single appointment on 17.11.2020, single appointment on 19.11.2020, single appointment on 24.11.2020, single appointment on 26.11.2020; single appointment on 16.12.2020, 17:00 - 18:00, LG H4 (101 Plätze); Kick-off: Tuesday, 03.11.: 9:45-11:15 Zoom; 1st training session: Group 1: Tuesday, 10.11.: 9:45-11:30 Zoom; Group 2: Wednesday, 11.11.: 15:00 – 17:00 Zoom; Group 3: Thursday, 12.11.: 13:15-15:00 Zoom; 1st lecture: Monday: 16.11. 11:30-13:00 Zoom; 2nd training session: Group 1: Tuesday, 17.11.: 9:45-11:30 Zoom; Group 2: Thursday, 19.11.: 13:15-15:00 Zoom; 2nd lecture: Monday: 23.11. 11:30-13:00 Zoom; 3rd training session: Group 1: Tuesday, 24.11.: 9:45-11:30 Zoom; Group 2: Thursday, 26.11.: 13:15-15:00 Zoom; 3rd lecture: Monday: 30.11. 11:30-13:00 Zoom; Exam preparation: Tuesday, 08.12.: 9:45-11:15 Zoom; Exam: Thursday, 16.12., 17:00-18:00 H4
  Holtbrügge, D.
Heidemann, Ch.

International Management Seminare

PRS; Please see our homepage https://www.im-fau.de
  Holtbrügge, D.

International Management Solutions IMS [IMS]

SEM; Due to the corona pandemic, this course will NOT be offered in winter term 2020/21
  Holtbrügge, D.
Kirste, L.

International Marketing; MARK-54830 [IMa]

VORL; Online; course. Access to this course is only possible via the vhb homepage.; asynchron (This course includes synchronous and asynchronous parts.); See course for further details (access via vhb homepage; see above)
  Holtbrügge, D.
Bernhard, Th.

Personalmanagement - Seminar, MIM-30306 (1 ECTS) [PM]

SEM; Online; 1 cred.h; ECTS: 1; Weitere Informationen auf der homepage des Lehrstuhls Internationales Management; asynchron (Synchrone Bestandteile (via Zoom) sowie asynchrone Bestandteile); Bitte konsultieren Sie unsere Hompage sowie die entsprechenden Seiten in StudOn für weitere Informationen.
  Holtbrügge, D.
Bernhard, Th.

Personalmanagement - Vorlesung, MIM-30305 (4 ECTS) [PM]

VORL; Online; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 4; Weitere Informationen auf der homepage des Lehrstuhls unter https:/www.im-fau.de; asynchron (wöchentliche Bereitstellung von Vorlesungsmaterialien zum Selbststudium); Thu, 13:15 - 14:45; Synchrone Veranstaltungen nur via Zoom, nähere Informationen dazu siehe StudOn-Gruppe
WPF WING-MA 1-3 Holtbrügge, D.
Bernhard, Th.

Strategisches und Internationales Management II: Management in Emerging Markets

VORL; Wed, 9:45 - 11:15, Raum n.V.; Please see our homepage https://www.im-fau.de
Holtbrügge, D.
Oberhauser, M.

Strategisches und Internationales Management II: Management in Emerging Markets: Management in Russland [MiR]

SEM; Online; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte unserer homepage.; single appointment on 16.11.2020, 9:30 - 11:30, 13:30 - 15:30; single appointment on 18.11.2020, 9:30 - 11:30, 13:30 - 15:30; single appointment on 20.11.2020, 9:30 - 11:30, 13:30 - 15:30; single appointment on 27.11.2020, 9:30 - 11:30, 13:30 - 15:30; single appointment on 30.11.2020, 9:30 - 11:30, 13:30 - 15:30
  Holtbrügge, D.
Nikitina, T.
Oberhauser, M.
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