UnivIS Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg


Phone & e-mail directory

Department of English and American Studies
Bismarckstr. 1, 91054 Erlangen, Phone +49 9131 85 22435, Fax +49 9131 85 29362
e-mail: angam-info@fau.de

Sprecher**in des Instituts
Lillge, ClaudiaC 4A1ext. 22432claudia.lillge@fau.de
Bayerlipp, Susanneext. 22434Susanne.Bayerlipp@fau.de
Dabrowska, Ewa3.008ext. 29263ewa.dabrowska@fau.de
Kley, AntjeB7A6ext. 22439
Mobile: 0179/5298630
Klotz, MichaelC 5A3ext. 22938michael.klotz@fau.de
Lillge, ClaudiaC 4A1ext. 22432claudia.lillge@fau.de
Paul, HeikeC 403ext. 22437Heike.Paul@fau.de
Piske, Thorsten2.010ext. 23483thorsten.piske@fau.de
Uhrig, PeterC5A6ext. 22936peter.uhrig@fau.de
Gabel-Cunningham, Barbara3.009ext. 29262
Mobile: 017665344842
Heuermann, AnnemarieC 404ext. 29360annemarie.heuermann@fau.de
Kottenhahn, KarinC3A4ext. 29364karin.kottenhahn@fau.de
Mijat, DagmarC5A5ext. 22433Fax: 29362dagmar.mijat@fau.de
Tänzler, AnkeB7A2ext. 23440anke.taenzler@fau.de
Werner-Kretschmar, EvelinC4A5ext. 29361evelin.werner-kretschmar@fau.de
Nichtwiss. Personal
Koetzing, StephenC 5A0ext. 22435angam-info@fau.de

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You may browse the organisational structure using the following hyperlinks:

Faculty:Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology
Division:Department Anglistik/Amerikanistik und Romanistik
Teilbereich:Department of English and American Studies


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