UnivIS Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg


Phone & e-mail directory

Chair of Physiology
Waldstr. 6, 91054 Erlangen, Phone 09131-85 22301, Fax 09131-85 22770
e-mail: physiologie2-sekretariat@fau.de

Korbmacher, Christoph1.011ext. 22301Fax: 22770christoph.korbmacher@fau.de
Großkopf, ClaudiaSekretariatext. 22301
Mobile: 0173-513 9804 (mittwochs)
Fax: 22770physiologie2-sekretariat@fau.de
Fachbereichskoordinator Lehre
Rauh, Robert1.007ext. 22306Fax: 22770robert.rauh@fau.de
Korbmacher, Christoph1.011ext. 22301Fax: 22770christoph.korbmacher@fau.de
Rauh, Robert1.007ext. 22306Fax: 22770robert.rauh@fau.de
Volk, Tilmannext. 22301Fax: 22770tilmann.volk@fau.de
Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Azemi, Bardhaext. 22301Fax: 22770bardha.azemi@fau.de
Bertog, Markoext. 22735Fax: 22770marko.bertog@fau.de
Dantas Pessoa, Thaissaext. 22301Fax: 22770thaissa.d.pessoa@fau.de
Diakov, Alexei1.026ext. 23066Fax: 22770alexei.diyakov@fau.de
Ilyaskin, Alexandr1.026ext. 22734Fax: 22770alexandr.ilyaskin@fau.de
Iqbal, Zafarext. 22301Fax: 22770zafar.iqbal@fau.de@fau.de
Joshi, Poojaext. 22301Fax: 22770pooja.joshi@fau.de
Martinez-Vilchez, Aioraext. 22301Fax: 22770aiora.martinez-vilchez@fau.de
Nesterov, Viatcheslavext. 24725Fax: 22770viatcheslav.v.nesterov@fau.de
Pfeilschifter, Benediktext. 22740Fax: 22770benedikt.pfeilschifter@fau.de
Rauh, Robert1.007ext. 22306Fax: 22770robert.rauh@fau.de
Seidel, Thomasext. 22303Fax: 22770thomas.seidel@fau.de
Staudner, Tobiasext. 22301Fax: 22770tobias.staudner@fau.de
Sure, Florianext. 22301Fax: 22770florian.sure@fau.de
Technische Assistenten
Grüninger, Celineext. 26810Fax: 22770celine.grueninger@fau.de
Mayer, Sonjaext. 26810Fax: 22770sonja.mayer@fau.de
Mc Cargo, Lorenzext. 26810Fax: 22770lorenz.mc.cargo@fau.de
Rinke, Jessicaext. 26810Fax: 22770jessica.rinke@fau.de
Rinke, Ralfext. 26810Fax: 22770ralf.rinke@fau.de
Nichtwiss. Personal
Ebner, Claudiaext. 22301Fax: 22770claudia.ebner@fau.de
Hatzakés, Alexandrosext. 22302Fax: 22770alexandros.hatzakes@fau.de
ehemalige Mitarbeiter
Abu-Khousa, Mahanot known
Afonso, Saraext. 22301Fax: 22770sara.afonso@fau.de
Balla, Andreasnot known
Bauer, Rudolf Dietrichnot known
Depner, Manfrednot known
Fiegle, Dominikext. 22303Fax: 22770not known
Härteis, Silkenot known
Krüger, Bettinanot known
Mansley, Moragnot known
Nacken, Reginanot known
Peppel, Lucasnot known
Polepil, Gabrielenot known
Ritzer, Annenot known
Rudakova, Elenanot known
Security commissary (according to SGB VII)
Rauh, Robert1.007ext. 22306Fax: 22770robert.rauh@fau.de
Project manager (according to GenTG)
Bertog, Markoext. 22735Fax: 22770marko.bertog@fau.de
Elevator warden
Mc Cargo, Lorenzext. 26810Fax: 22770lorenz.mc.cargo@fau.de
Dangerous Goods (Commissaries)
Rinke, Ralfext. 26810Fax: 22770ralf.rinke@fau.de
IT-security commissary
Rinke, Ralfext. 26810Fax: 22770ralf.rinke@fau.de
Rauh, Robert1.007ext. 22306Fax: 22770robert.rauh@fau.de
Rauh, Robert1.007ext. 22306Fax: 22770robert.rauh@fau.de
Rinke, Ralfext. 26810Fax: 22770ralf.rinke@fau.de
Local UnivIS administration
Rauh, Robert1.007ext. 22306Fax: 22770robert.rauh@fau.de
Rinke, Ralfext. 26810Fax: 22770ralf.rinke@fau.de
Weitere Personeneinträge
Geiges, Lindaext. 22301Fax: 22770physiologie2-sekretariat@fau.de

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Faculty:Faculty of Medicine
Division:Department of Physiology and Cardiology


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