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Physikalisches Wahlfach: Continuum models in solid state physics (PW)5 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Elective Course in Physics: Continuum models in solid state physics)

Modulverantwortliche/r: Sam Shallcross, Oleg Pankratov
Lehrende: Sam Shallcross, Oleg Pankratov

Startsemester: WS 2015/2016Dauer: 1 SemesterTurnus: unregelmäßig
Präsenzzeit: 75 Std.Eigenstudium: 75 Std.Sprache: Englisch



In many situations in solid state physics the motion of electrons in materials may be described by effective Hamiltonians that differ profoundly from the fundamental Schroedinger (or Dirac) equations that govern electrons in matter. A very well known example of this is the Dirac-Weyl equation that describes massless neutrinos, but also governs the low energy quasi-particles of graphene, a two dimensional honeycomb lattice of carbon. This course will discuss several methods by which such effective Hamiltonians may be derived, and consider several situations in which they have proven to be useful. These will range from topics of now mostly historical interest - for example the low energy theory of semi-conductors - to subjects of current active research, in particular topological insulators and the low dimensional carbon family of materials (graphene and the graphyne family).
Methodologies covered in course: k.p theory, method of invariants, M theory, many body theory, time dependent density functional theory. Examples covered in the course: graphene and bilayer graphene, the graphyne family of low dimensional carbon materials, SnTe as an example of a topological insulator, Silicon and strained Silicon, structural deformations in few layer graphene in particular partial dislocations, theory of strain in graphene.

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

Learning goals and competences:

  • explain the relevant topics of the lecture

  • apply the methods to specific examples

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls / Einpassung in den Musterstudienplan:
Das Modul ist im Kontext der folgenden Studienfächer/Vertiefungsrichtungen verwendbar:

  1. Materialphysik (Bachelor of Science)
    (Po-Vers. 2010 | Module des 3. bis 6. Fachsemesters | Physikalische Wahlfächer für Studierende der Materialphysik)


Continuum models in solid state physics (Prüfungsnummer: 975459)

(englischer Titel: Continuum models in solid state physics)

Prüfungsleistung, mündliche Prüfung, Dauer (in Minuten): 30, benotet
Anteil an der Berechnung der Modulnote: 100.0 %

Erstablegung: WS 2015/2016, 1. Wdh.: WS 2015/2016 (nur für Wiederholer)
1. Prüfer: Sam Shallcross,2. Prüfer: Oleg Pankratov

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