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HS White Supremacy

Prof. Dr. Heike Paul, Dr. Katharina Gerund

, ECTS studies
Magister, Master, Bachelor, Sprache Englisch
Time and place: Mon 12:15 - 13:45, C 301

From the KKK to the Alt-Right: The Ideology of White Supremacy in the United States
This seminar seeks to shed light on current political developments by historicizing white supremacist thought in 19th and 20th century US history. In the aftermath of slavery (itself the most drastic manifestations of white supremacist rule in the US), racial segregation and the reign of the Ku Klux Klan continued to enforce racial hierarchies in the American South and in other parts of the country. In 1915, D. W. Griffith’s epic film The Birth of a Nation idealizes the KKK as an institution that had allegedly saved the nation from ‘black misrule’. Throughout the 20th century, social, (bio)political, and cultural movements have reiterated white supremacist agendas: among them the American Eugenics movement and other proponents of a scientific racism, the Patriot Movement (two of its members were responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995) and various anti-government militia groups as well as Christian fundamentalists and other religious factions. More recently, on the occasion of Donald Trump’s victory of the US presidential elections, Alt-Right representatives have once again claimed that “America belongs to white men.” Based on historical and historiographical sources, literature, and representations of racism/racist fantasies in American popular culture, we will reflect on the history of white supremacist thought in the US and its ongoing relevance.

Recommended literature
Please purchase and read: Thomas Dixon, The Clansman: A Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan (1905) Toni Morrison, Home (2012) Additional material will be made available on studon.

Additional information
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Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester SS 2017:
Amerikanistik, Modul A (M 4)
Aufbaumodul Cultural Studies (Master Modul 4)
North America: Culture and Literature (AM4)
North American Studies (AM3b)

Department: Chair of American Studies (Prof. Dr. Paul)
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