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Symmetry and Group Theory - Applications in Chemistry, Physics and Material Sciences (CE-SGT/ME-SGT)

Prof. Dr. Jörg Libuda

Vorlesung mit Übung
3 cred.h
nur Fachstudium, Sprache Englisch, Registration via StudOn! Seminar: time and place by agreement
Time and place: Tue 16:15 - 18:30, H2 Egerlandstr.3; comments on time and place: Präsenzveranstaltung und Online-Streaming

Fields of study
WF C-MA 1-4
WF MS-MA 1-4

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Hörerkreis: Studenten der Naturwissenschaften (Chemie, Molecular Science, Physik), bevorzugt geeignet für Studierende im Hauptstudium/Masterstudium, Diplomanden und Doktoranden

  • 0. Introduction, Outline and Literature
  • 1. Symmetry of Molecules (symmetry elements, operations, point groups, notations)

  • 2. Symmetry of Crystals, Surfaces and Interfaces (symmetry in 1, 2 and 3 dimensional periodic strutures, lattices, crystal classes, space groups)

  • 3. Compact Course Group Theory (elements group theory, definitions, reducible and irreducible representations, orthogonality theorem, character tables)

  • 4. Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (representations, operators and symmetry, matrix elements, direct product functions, projection operators)

  • 5. Symmetry of Organic Molecules: From Electronic Structure to Reactivity (symmetry adaption, cyclic groups, many electron systems, electronic transitions, configuration interaction, symmetry controlled reactions

  • 6. Symmetry in Anorganic Chemistry: From Atoms to Complexes (MO models, transition metal complexes, direct product groups, rotation inversion group, angular momentum coupling, crystal field splitting, vibronically allowed transitions)

  • 7: Symmetry and Spectroscopy: Vibrational Spectroscopies (analysis of vibrational modes, normal coordinate analysis, symmetry of vibrational wave functions, vibrational spectroscopy, selection rules)

  • 8: Symmetry in Crystal Physics: Tensor Description of Physical Properties (tensors, axial, polar, representations, transformation properties, intrinsic symmetry, Neumann's principle, Curie's principle)

  • 9: Symmetry and Electronic Structure of Solids: Band Structures (translation group and irreps, reciprocal lattice, k-space, Bloch functions, Brillouin zones, symmetry of bands)

Additional information
www: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3274545.html

Assigned lectures
SEM ([hybrid]):Seminar Symmetry and Group Theory - Applications in Chemistry, Physics and Material Sciences
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Jörg Libuda, Assistenten
Time and place: ; comments on time and place: Termin nach Vereinbarung, Präsenzveranstaltung und Online-Streaming
www: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3274545.html

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester WS 2021/2022:
Symmetry and Group Theory (SGT)

Department: Chair of Interface Research and Catalysis (Prof. Dr. Libuda)
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