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Sex and Gender in Victorian Literature and Culture

Prof. Dr. Doris Feldmann

Gender und Diversity
Zeit und Ort: Do 10:15 - 11:45, C 601

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
BA English and American Studies: Hauptmodul A(301) Literature/Culture (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Zwischenmodul II) – HA
Lehramt Englisch an Gymnasien (neu): HauptmodulL-GYM Literature. (Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Zwischenmodul Literature) – HA (80%)
MA English Studies: Core Module Literature –Portfolioprüfung: HA und Thesenpapier (40511) bzw. Teilbereichsmodul Literature– HA (40501) und Thesenpapier (40502); Master Module II Literature –Portfolioprüfung: Hausarbeit und Thesenpapier (83601) bzw. Schwerpunktmodul II Literature – HA (40801) und Thesenpapier (40802)
MA English Studies: Core Module Culture –Portfolioprüfung: Hausarbeit und Thesenpapier (40311) bzw. Teilbereichsmodul Culture – HA (40301) und Thesenpapier (40302); Master Module II Culture –Portfolioprüfung: Hausarbeit und Thesenpapier (83501) bzw. Schwerpunktmodul II Culture HA (40801) und Thesenpapier (40802)
MA Literaturstudien – intermedial und interkulturell: Modul 4

Victorian gender roles have become stereotyped: modern critics tend to overemphasize the binary model of sex and gender, neglecting the differences between the various approaches within Victorian discourses on gender, sex and sexuality. In this class, we will trace the complexities of Victorian attitudes towards gender by having a close look at a range of representations, including literary texts (novel,fantasy fiction, fairy tale, poetry) and visual media (printed images,photography, paintings). Topics to be discussed will include: the psychology of female writing; the intersection of gender and class; depictions of the fe/male body; gender, power and desire; ‘deviant’ masculinities.
The seminar will be accompanied by an interdisciplinary lecture series on current issues in gender studies (participation is optional!) organized by the recently established FAU Center for Studies in Gender, Difference and Diversity.
It is essential that all students read and reflect upon the texts before each class. All participants are expected to enroll for a short oral presentation. A course syllabus, a bibliography and additional material will be made available on lineat the beginning of the semester.

Empfohlene Literatur
Texts: Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre; R.L. Stevenson, Jekyll and Hyde; Oscar Wilde, “The Happy Prince”; Christina Rossetti, “Goblin Market”; Robert Browning, “My Last Duchess”.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester SS 2017:
Anglistik, Modul A (M 4)
Core Module Culture (Core Cult)
Core Module Literature (Core Lit)
Master Module II: Culture (Master II: Cult)
Master Module II: Literature (Master II: Lit)

Institution: Chair of English Literature and Culture (Prof. Dr. Feldmann)
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