Information system of Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg © Config eG 

Chair of Glass and Ceramics

Bachelor / Mastervorträge [BAMA]

KO; Thu, 10:30 - 12:00, 0.15; Tue, 14:00 - 16:00, 0.15; Fri, 12:00 - 13:00, 0.15
  Greil, P.
de Ligny, D.
Fey, T.

Biomimetic synthesis of materials [BIOMIMETIK]

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Fri, 12:15 - 13:45, 0.15
WPF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Wolf, S.E.

Excursion to glass and ceramic producing companies

EX; 2 cred.h; certificate; ECTS: 0,5; Zeit und Raum n.V.
PF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Fey, T.

Electronic Ceramics I (Dielectrics)

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Tue, 12:00 - 13:30, 0.15
WPF NT-MA ab 1
Webber, K.G.

Glass and Ceramic for Energy-technology (Gläser und Keramiken für die Energietechnik)

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Sustainable energy production is challenging material sciences. It will focus on energy storage and conversion but also on energy saving. Some hot topics as batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, light materials, energy saving buildings will be discussed.; Tue, 10:15 - 11:45, 0.15
de Ligny, D.

Glass formulation using project management

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Starting from specifications the students will be ask to find the best glass formulation. The übong will be done in small groups and following project management guide lines. Theoretical input will be given in project management, experimental design and statistic methods.; Wird als Blockveranstaltung am Semesterende angeboten.
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 de Ligny, D.

Kernfachpraktikum WW 3

PR; 6 cred.h; ECTS: 6; Sicherheitsbelehrung am 27.04.17 um 8.30 im H14; Thu, 8:00 - 18:00, 0.56, Praktikum WW III
PF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Fey, T.

Maschinenbaupraktikum (Versuche WW3)

PR; Mon, 8:00 - 12:00, 0.56, Praktikum WW III
  Fey, T.

Mechanische Prüfverfahren [MEPRUEF]

UE; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Veranstaltung wird als Block durchgeführt; Wed, 16:15 - 17:45, 0.15
WPF MWT-MA-GUK ab 2 Fey, T.

Moderne Verfahren der Pulversynthese und Charakterisierung [MOPU]

VORL; 1 cred.h; ECTS: 1,5; Wed, 8:30 - 10:00, 0.15
WPF MWT-MA-GUK ab 2 Wolf, S.E.

Optical spectroscopy of glass and ceramics. [OPTSPEC]

UE; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; The class will give an overview of spectroscopic methods that can be used to study materials: Raman, IR absorption, Brillouin and Optical spectroscopy: absoption and luminescence. A special focus will be put on Rare Earth Element which are wildly used in materials for optics.; Fri, 10:15 - 11:45, 0.15
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 de Ligny, D.

Praktikum GP 1 [GP1]

PR; 5 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Anmeldung auf Studon http://www.studon.uni-erlangen.de/crs1442803.html; Thu, 12:00 - 18:00, 0.15, 0.56, 0.57, 1.225, Praktikum WW, 2.23
PF MWT-BA 2 Fey, T.

Seminar Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus dem Rapid Prototyping

SEM; Wed, 11:00 - 12:30, 0.56; Ort nach Vereinbarung
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Travitzky, N.

Seminar Aktuelle Erkenntnisse in der Funktionskeramik

SEM; 2 cred.h; Mon, 13:15 - 14:45, Raum n.V.; Ort nach Vereinbarung

Seminar Aktuelle Erkenntnisse über innovative Optische Materialien [IOM]

SEM; 2 cred.h; Fri, 10:00 - 12:00, 0.15
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 de Ligny, D.

Seminar Aktuelle Forschungsgebiete von Glas und Keramik

SEM; 2 cred.h; Fri, 8:30 - 10:00, 0.15
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Greil, P.
Fey, T.

Seminar Eigenschaften und Simulationen zellularer Keramiken

SEM; Wed, 9:30 - 11:00, 0.56; Ort nach Vereinbarung
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Fey, T.

Seminar für BSc., MSc. , Doktoranden und PostDocs

SEM; 2 cred.h; Mon, 15:30 - 17:00, 0.15
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 2 de Ligny, D.
Wolf, S.E.

Seminar Glas und Keramik - Kernfach [SEM GK]

SEM; 2 cred.h; ben. certificate; ECTS: 3; Wed, 15:30 - 17:00, 0.15
WPF MWT-MA-GUK ab 2 de Ligny, D.
Wolf, S.E.

Seminar Glas und Keramik - Nebenfach [SEMNEB]

SEM; certificate; ECTS: 0,5; Wed, 15:30 - 17:00, 0.15
PF MWT-MA-GUK 2 de Ligny, D.
Wolf, S.E.

Seminar Glas und Keramik für Medizintechnik [METGUK]

SEM; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; Wed, 15:30 - 17:00, 0.15
WPF MT-MA ab 1 Wolf, S.E.
de Ligny, D.

Sicherheitsbelehrungen (Labor, Röntgen, Laser) [SIBE]

SL; In regelmäßigen Abständen stattfindent; Wed, 12:00 - 13:00, 0.15
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Fey, T.

Silikatkeramik [SILKER]

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Beginn ab KW 18; Mon, 10:15 - 11:45, 1.84
WPF MWT-MA-GUK ab 2 Travitzky, N.

Stresses and mechanical strength [SPA]

V/UE; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; wird als Blockveranstaltung durchgeführt; Mon, 14:15 - 15:45, 0.15
WPF MWT-MA-GUK ab 2 Fey, T.

Structural analysis of functional ceramics using advanced diffraction techniques [XRDPIEZO]

V/UE; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; This course will cover basic crystallography, advanced diffraction techniques (e.g., x-ray, neutron and electron) including instrumentation, strategies to collect diffraction data (ex situ and in situ) and different data analysis methods. The course has been designed in such a way that, in addition to the development of theoretical background, students can have hands-on experience with different data analysis methods and software. At the initial stage we will cover basics of crystallography and principle of diffraction technique. An in-depth discussion on different (e.g., x-ray, 2D x-ray, neutron and electron) diffraction techniques and their use in the field of materials science and engineering will then be presented. In the next step we will discuss ferroelectric/ferroelastic materials and how diffraction technique can be used to investigate microscopic origin of macroscopic functional properties. In the last few weeks, students will learn how to extract various structural parameters using different data analysis (e.g. Selected peak-fitting, Le Bail fitting and Rietveld structural refinement) techniques and how these structural parameters can be correlated with different macroscopic properties. A brief overview of the recent developments and future scopes in the field of structural analysis (e.g., 3D- XRD, diffuse scattering) using diffraction technique will be highlighted to conclude the course.; Wed, 13:00 - 14:30, 0.15
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Khansur, N.H.
Webber, K.G.

Struktur und Eigenschaften Glas und Keramik III: HT-Eigenschaften [HT-Eigenschaften (SE3)]

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Wed, 10:15 - 11:45, 0.15
Greil, P.

Engineering Ceramics [Mechanokeramik (SE4)]

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Fri, 8:15 - 9:45, 0.15
Fey, T.

Übung für Functional Ceramics II [UEFUCII]

UE; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 3; Findet als Blockveranstaltung statt. The aim of this course is to introduce the concept of ferroelectricity through practical demonstration. In particular, the effect of temperature as well as dopants on the electromechanical properties will be directly investigated on polycrystalline ferroelectrics. Students will have an opportunity to characterize the temperature-dependent dielectric and ferroelectric properties. In addition, the typical measurement techniques used to characterize electromechanical behavior will be discussed in the first part of the course. The second part will consist of laboratory work, measuring the aforementioned properties in the Functional Ceramics Group Laboratories, as well as discussing the results and writing a laboratory report.; Thu, 8:30 - 10:00, 0.15
WF MWT-MA-GUK ab 1 Webber, K.G.

Vorbesprechung der LV des Lehrstuhls

SL; single appointment on 24.4.2017, 13:00 - 14:00, 0.15

Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten von BA/MA [WIBAMA]

AWA; Mon, 12:00 - 18:00, 0.56; Tue, 8:00 - 18:00, 0.56; Fri, 8:00 - 12:00, 0.56; Wed, 12:30 - 18:00, 0.56
WF MWT-BA ab 5
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