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Einrichtungen >> Faculty of Engineering >> Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering >>
Institute of Microwaves and Photonics (LHFT)
Cauerstr. 9, 91058 Erlangen, Tel. 09131/85-27214, Fax 09131/85-27212
E-Mail: lhft-info@fau.de
www: http://www.lhft.eei.fau.de
Leitung: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vossiek, Martin, App. 20773
Professoren: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmreich, Klaus, App. 20740; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schmauß, Bernhard, App. 27213; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vossiek, Martin, App. 20773
Prof. em: Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Brand, Hans H., App. 27219; Prof. i.R. Dr.-Ing. Martius, Siegfried, App. 27839; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schmidt, Lorenz-Peter, App. 27215
Sekretariat: Hespelein, Ute, App. 27214
Verwaltung: Günther-Kiesel, Helga, App. 27227, Fax: 27212; Kleinert, Carmen, App. 25476, Fax: 27212
Leitende wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter: Dr.-Ing. Schür, Jan, Akad. ORat, App. 27237
Wiss. Mitarbeiter: Dipl.-Ing. Adametz, Julian, App. 25477; Bär, Matthias, M. Sc., App. 27217; Dipl.-Ing. Carlowitz, Christian, Akad. Rat, App. 20772; Distler, Felix, M. Sc., App. 27226; Gareis, Matthias, M. Sc., App. 20385; Geiß, Johanna, M. Sc., App. 20384; Dr.-Ing. Gold, Gerald, App. 20743; Gottinger, Michael, M. Sc., App. 28687; Dipl.-Ing. Groh, Jannis, App. 25472; Gröschel, Patrick, M. Sc., App. 27218; Hehn, Markus, M. Sc., App. 20789; Hofmann, Andreas, M. Sc., App. 27235; Dipl.-Ing. Jordan, Meinert, App. 27216; Köppel, Max, M. Sc., App. 20736; Korf, Patrick, M. Sc., App. 25473; Körner, Georg, M. Sc., App. 20228; Lipka, Melanie, M. Sc., App. 20752; Lomakin, Konstantin, M. Sc., App. 28690; Martinez, Javier, M. Sc., App. 28687; Oppelt, Daniel, M. Sc., App. 27236; Pavlenko, Tatiana, M. Sc., App. 28676; Prophet, Robert, M. Sc., App. 20227; Schimpel, Alexander, M. Sc., App. 20227; Schütz, Martin, M. Sc., App. 28675; Sippel, Erik, M. Sc., App. 27791; Sippel, Mark, M. Sc., App. 20743; Dipl.-Ing. Stein, Wadim, App. 27220; Tschapek, Peter, M. Sc., App. 20737; Dipl.-Ing. Ullmann, Ingrid, M. Sc., App. 27786; Werzinger, Stefan, M. Sc., App. 27233
Lehrbeauftragte: Dr.-Ing. Biber, Stephan; Dr.-Ing. Dürr, Wilhelm; Dr.-Ing. Krieger, Gerhard; Dr.-Ing. Ziroff, Andreas
Alumni: Aleksieieva, Anna, Ph.D.; Bauer, Günter; Dipl.-Ing. Cenanovic, Amir; Dipl.-Ing. Dobrev, Yassen; Dr.-Ing. Ebelt, Randolf; Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Engelbrecht, Rainer; Flores, Sergio, M. Sc.; Dipl.-Ing. Höher, Bernhard; Dr.-Ing. Hrobak, Michael; Dipl.-Inf. Kirsch, Fabian; Köhler, Aaron, M. Sc.; Dipl.-Ing. Köhler, Mike; Dipl.-Ing. Li, Gang; Marschall, Albert, M. Sc.; Dr.-Ing. Miesen, Robert; Dr.-Ing. Nezadal, Martin; Nikolaiev, Anton, M. Sc.; Pakala, Lalitha, M. Sc.; Dipl.-Ing. Parr, Andreas; Pöpperl, Maximilian, M. Sc.; Dr.-Ing. Quednau, Philipp; Dipl.-Ing. Reustle, Christoph; Dr.-Ing. Schildbach, Christian; Dr.-Ing. Schramm, Marcus; Dipl.-Ing. Shmakov, Denys; Dipl.-Ing. Stumpf, Christopher; Dipl.-Ing. Thurn, Karsten; Dipl.-Ing. Trommer, Ralph; Völkner, Roswitha; Dr.-Ing. Wang, Haowei
Nichtwiss. Personal: Hack, Kurt, App. 27224; Popp, Jürgen, App. 27224; Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Ringel, Johannes, App. 27225; Dipl.-Chem. Ringel, Lorenz, App. 25091; Wick, Ottmar, App. 27222
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