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Struktur und Funktion des Antiterminators GlcT aus Bacillus subtilis

Die Expression des ptsGHI-Operons aus Bacillus subtilis, das für die Enzyme der Glukoseaufnahme kodiert, wird durch den Mechanismus der transkriptionellen Antitermination durch das RNA-bindende Protein GlcT reguliert. Wir untersuchen, wie GlcT seine Bindungsstelle auf der RNA erkennt und wie die Bindung die Elongation der Transkription ermöglicht. Die RNA-bindende Aktivität von GlcT wird durch reversible Phosphorylierungen in Abhängigkeit von der Verfügbarkeit von Glukose gesteuert. Die molekularen Mechanismen dieser Phosphorylierungen möchten wir aufklären.

Stülke, J., Martin-Verstraete, I., Zagorec, M., Rose, M., Klier, A., & Rapoport, G. (1997) Induction of the Bacillus subtilis ptsGHI operon by glucose is controlled by a novel antiterminator, GlcT. Mol. Microbiol. 25: 65-78.
Bachem, S., Faires, N., & Stülke, J. (1997) Characterization of the presumptive phosphorylation sites of the Bacillus subtilis glucose permease by site-directed mutagenesis: Implication in glucose transport and catabolite repression. FEMS Microbiol. L. 156: 233-238.
Martin-Verstraete, I., Charrier, V., Stülke, J., Galinier, A., Erni, B., Rapoport, G., & Deutscher, J. (1998) Antagonistic effects of dual PTS catalyzed phosphorylation on the Bacillus subtilis transcriptional activator LevR. Mol. Microbiol. 28: 293-303.
Stülke, J., Arnaud, M., Rapoport, G., & Martin-Verstraete, I. (1998) PRD - A protein domain involved in PTS-dependent induction and carbon catabolite repression of catabolic operons in bacteria. Mol. Microbiol. 28: 865-874.
Bachem, S. & Stülke, J. (1998) Regulation of the Bacillus subtilis GlcT antiterminator protein by components of the phosphotransferase system. J. Bacteriol. 180: 5319-5326.
Tobisch, S., Stülke, J., & Hecker, M. (1999) Regulation of the lic operon of Bacillus subtilis and characterization of potential phosphorylation sites of the LicR regulator protein by site-directed mutagenesis. J. Bacteriol. 181: 4995-5003.
Langbein, I., Bachem, S. & Stülke, J. (1999) Specific interaction of the RNA binding domain of the Bacillus subtilis transcriptional antiterminator GlcT with its RNA target, RAT. J. Mol. Biol. 293: 795-805.
Reizer, J., Bachem, S., Reizer, A., Arnaud, M., Saier Jr., M. H. & Stülke, J. (1999) Novel phosphotransferase system genes revealed by genome analysis - the complete complement of PTS proteins encoded within the genome of Bacillus subtilis. Microbiology 145: 3419-3429.
Knezevic, I., Bachem, S., Sickmann, A., Meyer, H., Stülke, J. & Hengstenberg, W. (2000) Regulation of the glucose specific phosphotransferase system (PTS) of Staphylococcus carnosus by the antiterminator protein GlcT. Microbiology 146: 2333-2342.
Stülke, J. (2002) Control of transcription termination in bacteria by RNA-binding proteins by RNA-binding proteins that modulate RNA structures. Arch. Microbiol. 177: 433-440.
Greenberg, D. B., Stülke, J. & Saier Jr., M. H. (2002) Domain analysis of transcriptional regulators bearing PTS-regulatory domains. Res. Microbiol. 153: 519-526.

PD Dr. Jörg Stülke

Beginn: 1.1.1999

Institution: Chair of Microbiology (Prof. Dr. Backert)
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