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  Scientific Programming with Python (SciProgPy)

Dr. Paolo Moretti, Akad. Rat

Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
1 cred.h
nur Fachstudium, Sprache Englisch
Time and place: single appointment on 14.10.2019, single appointment on 16.10.2019, single appointment on 17.10.2019 14:00 - 15:45, CIP Pool WW; comments on time and place: This course will be held as a compact block seminar during the first week of lecture period. This course is highly recommended for all students who take part in WW8 courses (e.g. MuSim 1 or FEM 1) and who don't have any prior Python knowledge. Since only limited places are available for this course you have to sign up for this course on StudOn. Students of the MAP and CE master programmes are also encouraged to join the "Pre-course on Linux and MATLAB" (Prof. Bitzek), which will take place on 08.10 and 09.10, and will provide an ideal background to the Python course.

Fields of study

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Please register in advance at the StudOn page of the course: https://www.studon.fau.de/studon/goto.php?target=crs_2330753
Students of the MAP and CE master programmes are also encouraged to join the "Pre-course on Linux and MATLAB" (Prof. Bitzek), which will take place on 08.10.2019 and 09.10.2019, and will provide an ideal background to the Python course

Additional information
Expected participants: 15, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 15

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester WS 2019/2020:
M3: Numerical Methods and Topics in Optical Technologies (FUND/NUMTOP)
Multiscale Materials Simulation (CE_MuSim)

Department: Chair for Materials Simulation
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