Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg © Config eG 

Nanotechnology of Disperse Systems (Nano)

Prof. Robin N. Klupp Taylor, MEng, DPhil (Oxon)

2 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits: 5, Sprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mi 16:15 - 17:45, E 1.12

Studienfächer / Studienrichtungen
WPF CBI-MA 1-3 (ECTS-Credits: 5)
PF MAP-S-NM 2 (ECTS-Credits: 4,5)
WPF ET-MA-VTE ab 1 (ECTS-Credits: 5)
WPF LSE-MA 1-3 (ECTS-Credits: 5)

This module begins with a revision of basic topics in the theory of nucleation, growth and electrostatic stabilization of particulate materials. Following this the challenges and solutions to the problem of metal, oxide, semiconductor and polymer particle synthesis will be discussed.
The second half of the course will concern the characterisation, properties and application of disperse systems. In addition to understanding the measurement of particle and agglomerate size and shape, the factors affecting the electronic, magnetic, optical and catalytic properties will be covered. Particles are often applied as part of a hierarchical system e.g. in a device, functional coating, drug delivery system. The use of self-assembly and printing/patterning techniques to achieve these goals will be presented with reference to work carried out within the Erlangen Cluster of Excellence "Engineering of Advanced Materials – Hierarchical Structure Formation for Functional Devices”. For the associated "Exercises” participants of the course will be required to explore the literature and give a 10 minute presentation regarding recent developments in a specific aspect of disperse systems or nanoparticle research.

Credits: 5

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 40, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 30

Zugeordnete Lehrveranstaltungen
UE: Übung zu Nanotechnology of Disperse Systems
Dozent/in: Prof. Robin N. Klupp Taylor, MEng, DPhil (Oxon)
Zeit und Ort: Mo 12:15 - 13:45, 0.68

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester SS 2015:
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1 (Nano1)
Nanotechnology of Disperse Systems (Nano)

Institution: Chair of Particle Technology (Prof. Dr. Peukert)
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