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Vorlesungsverzeichnis >> Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (Nat) >> Physik >>

Physikalische Wahlfächer (Bachelor ab 5. Sem. und Master)

Für den Studiengang Materialphysik stehen nur die Lehrveranstaltungen mit dem Kürzel WF PhM- zur Auswahl.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1 [MRI1]

Frederik Laun, Andreas Maier, Armin Nagel
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 2,5, In der Vorlesung werden ausführlich die physikalischen und technischen Grundlagen der MRT behandelt. Es werden der technische Aufbau eines MRTs und die physikalischen Grundlagen behandelt. Das Prinzip der Datenaufnahme wird anhand verschiedener Beispiele erläutert. Fehlkodierungen bei der Datenaufnahme führen zu Bildartefakten, die sich nicht in allen Fällen vermeiden lassen. Strategien zur Erkennung und Vermeidung von Bildartefakten werden erläutert. Eine große Stärke der MRT in der medizinischen Diagnostik ist die Möglichkeit Bilder mit verschiedenen Kontrasten und funktionelle Gewebeparameter aufzunehmen. Die Entstehung der häufig verwendeten T1 und T2 gewichteten Bildkontraste wird ausführlich diskutiert. Des Weiteren werden verschiedene MRT-Sequenztechniken besprochen.
Fr, 14:00 - 16:00, Hörsaal ZMPT
Auskunft: frederik.laun@uk-erlangen.de
magnetic resonance imaging, mri


Tutorial for X-ray Quantum Optics

Adriana Palffy-Buß
Übung, 2 SWS
Mi, 14:00 - 16:00, Zoom-Meeting
Course runs in online mode until further notice. In case of conflicting schedule times can be shifted.


X-ray Quantum Optics

Adriana Palffy-Buß
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5
Mo, 14:00 - 16:00, Zoom-Meeting
Course runs in online mode until further notice. In case of conflicting schedule times can be shifted.


Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

Florian Marquardt
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, nur Fachstudium, Online lecture
Mo, 18:00 - 19:30, Raum n.V.
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF Ph-BA ab 5


Experimental physics of modern materials (B): Photophysics [EPM-MAT, PW]

Daniel Niesner
Vorlesung, ECTS: 5
Mo, 8:30 - 10:00, Aufzeichnung auf FAU-Videoportal
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
PF PhM-MA ab 1
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF PhM-BA ab 5
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The lecture series will be given as an asynchronous online class, i.e. in the form of videos with recorded learning units that will be available via the FAU vide portal. Complementary slides and written summaries of the lectures will be available online via the studon portal. The exercise class will be held live online. This course will discuss the basic photophysical processes involved in and following the optical excitation of materials. Experimental techniques will be introduced to characterize these processes, which involve the optical absorption of light, the subsequent energetic carrier relaxation, phototransport, and carrier recombination. The functionality and performance of a large number of optoelectronic components, such as solar cell absorbers, photodetectors, or emitter materials for light-emitting diodes, rely on different combinations of these steps. While they can, in principle, be observed in a large variety of condensed-matter systems, their dynamics differ strongly between bulk direct and indirect band semiconductors, (quantum) confined systems, or materials with strong carrier localization, which can arise from exciton or polaron formation. The spectroscopic and time-resolved techniques, which are commonly applied to characterize the responses of these different systems to photoexcitation, will be introduced. These include both optical and electron spectroscopy techniques.
1. Classical description of optical properties of solids
2. Semiclassical (semiquantummechanical) description
3. Optical transitions in crystalline solids
4. Excitons and multiparticle effects
5. Recombination and Luminescence
6. Semiconductor devices
7. Electron-phonon coupling
Empfohlene Literatur:
a) Broad coverage of most of the lecture:
Yu, Peter and Cardona Manuel „Fundamentals of Semiconductors: Physics and Materials Properties,“ Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2010 Fox, Mark „Optical properties of solids,“ Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2010
b) Further reading on individual topics:
Sze „Physics of semiconductor devices“ Emin „Polarons“
c) For freshing basics:
Ibach, Lüth „Solid-state physics“ and/or Ashcroft, Mermin „Solid state physics“ Hecht „Optics“
Cohen-Tannoudji „Quantum mechanics“


Experimental physics of modern materials (B): Photophysics [EPM-MATU, PWU]

Daniel Niesner, Tutoren
Mi, 8:15 - 9:00, Zoom-Meeting
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
PF PhM-MA ab 1
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF PhM-BA ab 5


Experimental physics of modern materials (A): Physics of Surfaces and Nanostructures [EPM-MAT, PW]

Sabine Maier
Vorlesung, ECTS: 5
Mo, 10:00 - 12:00, StudOn
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
PF PhM-MA ab 1
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF PhM-BA ab 5
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The lecture will be presented online. All materials will be available on StudOn.
For the registration visit: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3294113_join.html. Request the password by Email: sabine.maier@fau.de
content of the class:
  • Characterization techniques for nanomaterials: introduction to ultra-high vacuum; microscopy, spectroscopy, and diffraction techniques.

  • Fabrication of nanostructures: bottom-up/top-down techniques; lithography; self-assembly; thin-film growth (adsorption/deposition/diffusion at surfaces)

  • Electronic properties of nanostructures: quantum effects in low dimensional electron systems; electron transport in low-dimensional materials

  • Molecular electronics


Experimental physics of modern materials (A): Physics of Surfaces and Nanostructures (Exercise class) [EPM-MATU, PWU]

Sabine Maier, Tutoren
Mi, 9:15 - 10:00, Zoom-Meeting
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
PF PhM-MA ab 1
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF PhM-BA ab 5


Einführung in die Röntgen- und Neutronenstreuung I [PW Streuung]

Tobias Unruh
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS, benoteter Schein, ECTS: 5, nur Fachstudium, müdliche (30 min) oder schriftliche (90 min) Prüfung
Di, 12:00 - 14:00, SR Staudtstr. 3
Die Veranstaltung wird zunächst als Zoom-Online Vorlesung/Übung abgehalten. Bitte melden Sie sich unter StudOn zum Kurs an. Dort finden Sie dann auch die Einwahldaten.
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF PhM-MA ab 1
WF ILS-MA ab 1
WF NT-MA ab 1


Übungen zur Einführung in die Röntgen- und Neutronenstreuung I [PWU Streuung]

Tobias Unruh
Übung, 2 SWS, Schein, nur Fachstudium
Di, 14:00 - 16:00, SR Staudtstr. 3
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF PhM-MA ab 1
WF ILS-MA ab 1
WF NT-MA ab 1


Struktur kristalliner Materie II / Structure of crystalline matter II (elective course) [PW KristMat]

Reinhard Neder
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, nur Fachstudium, The class will take place on-site in the Seminarroom You can join the StudOn course directly until Nov. 30
Di, 8:30 - 10:00, SR Staudtstr. 3
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF PhM-BA ab 5
WPF PhM-MA ab 1
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The elective course 'Structure of crystalline matter II' builds on the content of the elective course 'Structure on crystalline matter I' where symmetry aspects and classification of ordered, crystalline matter is in the focus of the lecture. Basic aspects of X-ray scattering are as well taught in this elective course I. Students choosing elective course II should be familiar with the aspects of symmetry in the crystalline state, with the concept of the reciprocal lattice and the Ewald construction.

StudOn link:

The course 'Structure of crystalline matter II' deals with experimental X-ray scattering techniques, for studies on single crystals as well as on polycrystalline matter, which are used to extract structure information from crystalline matter.
A focus here will be on powder diffraction methods and data evaluation.
The different experimental methods will be presented in detail and selected applications will be explained.
To start with, a short introduction into the scattering of x-rays by matter will be given.
Empfohlene Literatur:
  • B.E. Warren, X-ray diffraction, Dover Publications
  • D.S. Sivia, Elementary scattering theory, Oxford Press

  • R.E. Dinnebier & J.S.L. Billinge, Powder Diffraction-Theory and Practice, RSC Publishing

  • V.K. Pecharsky & P.Y. Zavalij, Fundamentals of powder diffraction and structural characterization of materials,Springer

  • M. Ladd & R. Palmer, Structure determination by X-rax crystallography

  • Azaroff& Buerger, The powder method, Mc Graw Hill

  • M de Graef & M. E. McHenry, Structure of Materials, Cambidge

  • Giacovazzo, Fundamentals of Crystallography, IUCR Oxford Publications


Übungen zur Struktur kristalliner Materie II / Exercises to 'Structure of crystalline matter II' [PWU KristMat]

Reinhard Neder
Übung, 2 SWS, nur Fachstudium, The class will take place on-site in the Seminarroom
Di, 10:00 - 12:00, SR Staudtstr. 3
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF PhM-BA ab 5
WF PhM-MA ab 1


Neue zweidimensionale Materialien

Janina Maultzsch
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS
Mo, 14:00 - 15:30, HH, Aufzeichnung auf FAU-Videoportal
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF PhM-BA ab 5
WF PhM-MA ab 1


Neue zweidimensionale Materialien-Übung

Janina Maultzsch
Mo, 15:45 - 16:30, HH, Aufzeichnung auf FAU-Videoportal
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF PhM-BA ab 5
WF PhM-MA ab 1


Neutrino astronomy [NUASTRO]

Thomas Eberl
Hauptseminar, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, Hauptseminar mit Übungen (seminar with exercises)
Mi, 10:00 - 12:00, Aufzeichnung auf FAU-Videoportal
Online course with prerecorded video material. One episode per week will be released. In parallel, a forum on studon and occasional Q&A-sessions (as needed) will be used for discussion and interaction.
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1


Exercises neutrino astronomy [EX NUASTRO]

Sebastian Fiedlschuster, Thomas Eberl
Übung, 2 SWS, Time of the live online tutorial to be agreed upon during the first week / tutorial.
Mi, 13:00 - 15:00, Zoom-Meeting
ab 11.11.2020
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1


Detektoren für Teilchen und Strahlung [PW Detektoren]

Albert Lehmann
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5, nur Fachstudium, weitere Informationen auf StudOn: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3295211.html
Mi, 14:00 - 16:00, Zoom-Meeting
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
Die Vorlesung richtet sich an Studierende mit Interesse an der Physik von Detektoren. Nach einer ausführlichen Einführung in die physikalischen Grundlagen werden verschiedene Detektortypen wie Gasdetektoren, Halbleiterdetektoren, Szintillationsdetektoren, usw. besprochen.


Übungen zu Detektoren für Teilchen und Strahlung [PWU Detektoren]

Albert Lehmann
Übung, 2 SWS, nur Fachstudium, weitere Informationen auf StudOn: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3295253.html
Do, 14:00 - 16:00, Zoom-Meeting
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1


Introduction to Astroparticle Physics [Intro Astro]

Robert Lahmann
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5
Mo, 10:00 - 11:45, SRTL (307)
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA 1
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
The lecture provides an introduction to astrophysics and cosmology. The topics are further investigated with practical exercises. Useful pre-knowledge: nuclear and elementary particle physics
  • Basic principles of astrophysics
  • The high-energy universe

  • Detection of high-energy hadrons, photons and neutrinos

  • Astrophysical objects

  • Stars, supernovae, pulsars

  • Black holes, active galactic nuclei, gamma-ray bursts

  • Introduction to cosmology

  • Dark matter and dark energy


Introduction to Astroparticle Physics (Exercise Class) [Astro (Exer)]

Robert Lahmann
Mo, 12:15 - 14:00, Raum n.V.
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WPF Ph-MA ab 1


Gamma Ray Telescope in the Class Room [GammaInClass]

Stefan Funk
Hauptseminar, 5 SWS, benoteter Schein, ECTS: 5
Di, 10:30 - 12:00, Livestream auf FAU-Videoportal, Aufzeichnung auf FAU-Videoportal
Di, 12:15 - 14:30, Zoom-Meeting
Einzeltermine am 3.12.2020, 14.1.2021, 21.1.2021, 18:00 - 22:00, Zoom-Meeting
Lectures: 5 dates (2.11.-15.12.), Tuesdays at 10:30-12:00. Observing nights: 3 dates (3.12., 14.1., 21.1.) at 18:00-22:00. Analysis sessions: weekly Tuesday at 12:15-14:30 (starting on November 24).
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
At first the students will get an introduction to ground-based gamma-ray astronomy and will then use this knowledge for analysing real data sets by themselves. Modern analysis software will be used for this purpose. The final grade will be based on a written practical assignment that sums up the results obtained in the data analysis. This write-up is intended to resemble a publication in a scientific journal.

Activites include:

  • Overview of particles in cosmic rays

  • Introduction to ground-based gamma-ray astronomy with imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs)

  • Observation of gamma-ray sources

  • Understanding the steps from raw data to calibrated data

  • Analysis of data with modern software packages

  • Evaluate data quality

  • Interpretation of results

  • Writing a scientific publication


Complex Systems: Self-organization, game theory, discrete dynamical systems [CS3]

Claus Metzner
Vorlesung mit Übung, 4 SWS, benoteter Schein, ECTS: 5, nur Fachstudium
Di, 16:00 - 19:00, Raum n.V.
"Lectures and exercises online. Please visit http://tinyurl.com/cm-complex-systems for further information."
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF M-BA ab 5
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WPF LaP-SE ab 5
WF PhM-BA ab 5
WF PhM-MA ab 1
WF ILS-MA ab 1
WF ILS-BA ab 5
WF M-MA ab 1
Synchronization, Kuramoto theory, self-organization, swarm dynamics, stigmergy, synergetics, Bayesian learning, game theory, Nash equilibrium, minimax solution, mixed strategies, imperfect information, evolutionary game theory, prisoner’s dilemma, strategies with memory, self-organizing cooperation, cellular automata, coupled map lattices, boolean networks, Kauffman N-K networks.


Modern Optics 1: Advanced Optics [PW Optics]

Stephan Götzinger, Pascal Del'Haye
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5
Mi, 10:00 - 12:00, Raum n.V.
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF ILS-MA ab 1
WF AOT-GL ab 1
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches:
Experimentalphysik 2 und 3, Theoretische Physik 2
  • Review Ray Optics, Electromagnetic Waves, Fourier Optics, Polarization
  • Photonic Crystals, Bragg Gratings, Supermirrors, Reference Cavities

  • Metal and Metamaterial Optics, Plasmonics, Guided Wave Optics, Coupling, Photonic Crystal Waveguides

  • Fiber Optics, Attenuation, Dispersion, Photonic Crystal Fibers

  • Resonator Optics

  • Microresonators and Applications

  • Integrated Optics

  • Acousto-Optics

  • Statistical Optics

  • Numerical Methods

  • Near-Field and Superresolution

  • Optical Interconnects and Switches

  • Optical Fiber Communications


Modern Optics 1: Advanced Optics (Excercise class) [PW Optics (U)]

Stephan Götzinger, Pascal Del'Haye
Übung, 2 SWS
Do, 16:00 - 18:00, Raum n.V.
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF ILS-MA ab 1


Waveguides, optical fibres and photonic crystal fibres [OMS/WAV]

Nicolas Joly, Bernhard Schmauss
Vorlesung mit Übung, 4 SWS, ECTS: 5
Mo, Mi, 9:00 - 11:00, Raum n.V.
The course will be conducted as online course (with a mix of live and recorded lessons). For more details and registration please go to https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3262147_join.html
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
The goal of this lecture is to give basics knowledge of optical waveguides and their applications. This will cover the following topics:
  • Guidance mechanism (geometric and EM approaches)

  • Photonic crystal fibres (solid-core, hollow-core, bandgap and anti-resonance fibres)

  • Nonlinear optics effect in optical fibres

  • Applications


Modern Optics 3: Quantum Optics (Exercise Class)

Stephan Götzinger
Übung, 2 SWS
Do, 13:30 - 15:00, Raum n.V.
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1


Modern Optics 3: Quantum Optics

Stephan Götzinger
Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS: 5
Do, 10:00 - 12:00, Raum n.V.
Studienrichtungen / Studienfächer:
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
1. Basic concepts of statistical optics
2. Spatial and temporal coherence. Coherent modes, photon number per mode
3. Intensity fluctuations and Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment
4. Interaction between atom and light (semiclassical description)
5. Quantization of the electromagnetic field
6. Quantum operators and quantum states
7. Heisenberg and Schrödinger pictures
8. Polarization in quantum optics
9. Nonlinear optical effects for producing nonclassical light
10. Parametric down-conversion and four-wave mixing, biphotons, squeezed light
11. Single-photon states and single-photon emitters
12. Entanglement and Bell’s inequality violation

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