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Human Factors in Security and Privacy (HumSecPri)5 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Human Factors in Security and Privacy)

Modulverantwortliche/r: Zinaida Benenson
Lehrende: Zinaida Benenson

Startsemester: SS 2017Dauer: 1 SemesterTurnus: jährlich (SS)
Präsenzzeit: 60 Std.Eigenstudium: 90 Std.Sprache: Deutsch


    • Human Factors in Security and Privacy
      (Vorlesung, 2 SWS, Zinaida Benenson, Mo, 12:15 - 13:45, 00.151-113)
    • Human Factors in Security and Privacy - Übung
      (Übung, 2 SWS, Robert Landwirth)

Empfohlene Voraussetzungen:

Die Modulsprache ist Deutsch, Folien sind auf Englisch.
This module will be held in German, slides are in English.

Basic knowledge in the area of IT security and privacy, such as security goals (CIA), basic protection mechanisms (symmetric and asymmetric cryptography principles, PKI) is required. This knowledge can be acquired through the attendance of the module “Applied IT Security” or similar modules.

Es wird empfohlen, folgende Module zu absolvieren, bevor dieses Modul belegt wird:

Angewandte IT-Sicherheit (WS 2016/2017)


People are often said to be “the weakest link” in the chain of IT security measures. This course provides insight into the ways in which IT security is affected by people and why it happens. Special attention will be paid to complex environments such as companies, governmental organizations or hospitals. A number of guest talks from practitioners and researchers highlight some of the issues in greater depth.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Terminology of security and privacy, technical and non-technical protection measures

  • Development and testing of usable security mechanisms (encryption and authentication tools, security policies, security warnings)

  • Risk perception and decision making in security and privacy context (usage of security software, reaction to security warnings, divulging information in social media)

  • Economics approach to security and privacy decision making (traditional and behavioral economics)

  • Trade-offs between the national security and surveillance (psychology behind the EU data retention directive and NSA programs)

  • Psychological principles of cyber fraud (scams, phishing, social engineering)

  • Security awareness and user education

  • Interplay of safety and security in complex systems

  • Research methods in human factors (qualitative vs. quantitative research, usability testing, experimental design, survey design, interviews)

The exercise will be divided in two parts:

  • (1) The students will receive 5-6 homework assignments during the semester consisting of practical exercises.

  • (2) The students will be divided into groups, and each group will prepare a 30-minutes long presentation with the following discussion for the class on a given topic. Materials such as papers and key discussion questions will be provided. Participation in an exercise group is a prerequisite for participation in the exam.

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

The main goal of this course is for the students to develop a mindset that naturally takes into account typical psychological and physical characteristics of the users. In particular, when developing or evaluating security- and privacy-enhancing technologies or policies, the students are able to:

  • critically appraise technological solutions or policies for likely “human factors” weaknesses in design and usage

  • choose appropriate techniques for testing and evaluation of the design and usage

  • develop and test improvements

More precisely, after the successful completion of the course the students are able to:

  • discuss the meanings of the terms “security” and “privacy”

  • identify main research questions in the area of human factors in security and privacy

  • demonstrate specific difficulties in developing and testing of usable security mechanisms

  • compare different approaches to the development of usable security features

  • apply elements of the mental models approach and of user-centered design to development and evaluation of security- and privacy-enhancing techniques

  • contrast the approaches of traditional and behavioral economics to the explanation of security- and privacy-related behavior

  • illustrate the influence of the psychological risk perception principles (especially under- and overestimation of risk) on security and privacy decision making

  • argue advantages and disadvantages of mass surveillance and other kinds of mass data collection for security and privacy of citizens

  • explain main psychological principles behind the cyber fraud

  • illustrate specific difficulties in awareness campaigns and user training in the realms of security and privacy

  • critically appraise design and results of published user studies

  • plan and conduct small user studies

  • scan research papers and other materials for important points that clarify and deepen course contents

  • prepare and conduct a discussion in the class on a given topic, using research papers and other materials

  • develop well-founded personal opinions on the course topics and defend them in the class discussions


  • L. F. Cranor, S. Garfinkel. Security and usability: designing secure systems that people can use. O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2005.
  • Schneier, Bruce. "Beyond fear." Copernicus Book, 2003.

  • Anderson, Ross. Security engineering. 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2008. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/book.html

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls / Einpassung in den Musterstudienplan:
Das Modul ist im Kontext der folgenden Studienfächer/Vertiefungsrichtungen verwendbar:

  1. International Information Systems (IIS) (Master of Science)
    (Po-Vers. 2014w | ReWiFak | Internationale Wirtschaftsinformatik / International Information Systems (Master of Science) | Informatics | Informatics Electives | Extension Courses)


Human Factors in Security and Privacy (Prüfungsnummer: 658644)

(englischer Titel: Human Factors in Security and Privacy)

Prüfungsleistung, mündliche Prüfung, Dauer (in Minuten): 30, benotet, 5 ECTS
Anteil an der Berechnung der Modulnote: 100.0 %
weitere Erläuterungen:
Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Prüfung: erfolgreicher Vortrag in der Übung
Prüfungssprache: Deutsch oder Englisch

Erstablegung: SS 2017, 1. Wdh.: WS 2017/2018
1. Prüfer: Zinaida Benenson

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