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Joint Communications and Sensing in Wireless Systems (JCAS)2.5 ECTS
(englische Bezeichnung: Joint Communications and Sensing in Wireless Systems)

Modulverantwortliche/r: Norman Franchi
Lehrende: Norman Franchi, Robert Schober, Martin Vossiek, Robert Weigel, Georg Fischer

Start semester: SS 2022Duration: 1 semesterCycle: unregelmäßig
Präsenzzeit: 15 Std.Eigenstudium: 60 Std.Language: Englisch



Radio sensing as an integrated capability of mobile communication networks have been identified as one of the key features of future 6G cellular systems. The main challenge here lies in the joint design of sensing and communications because mobile communications and radar, for example, are still designed as more or less independent technologies and systems with different design approaches. But, especially, the convergence of both technologies is of utmost interest, enabling benefits of integrated radio sensing like

  • sensing/radar-as-a-service, e.g., for object and obstacle detection,

  • joint signal processing frameworks for both target/environment detection/analysis and wireless communications,

  • highly synchronous operation of both technologies,

  • balancing dual-functional performance (coordination gain),

  • performing mutual assistance,

  • increasing resource efficiency using shared radio resources,

  • jamming detection and mitigation,

  • optimization of the network performance based on collected sensing information.

Lernziele und Kompetenzen:

The design of JC&S-based wireless systems faces challenges in several electrical engineering areas, especially electronics design, radio-frequency (RF) design, information and communications technology (ICT) design, and system design. The seminar will examine the latest approaches, developments, and findings from research in the field of JC&S and Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC), respectively. And topics are offered across all of the aforementioned disciplines.

Participants in this seminar are expected to have a basic knowledge of communications systems, such as those acquired in the Digital Communications and Fundamentals of Mobile Communications lectures.

Weitere Informationen:

Keywords: 6G, ISAC, JCAS, RadCom

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls / Einpassung in den Musterstudienplan:
Das Modul ist im Kontext der folgenden Studienfächer/Vertiefungsrichtungen verwendbar:

  1. Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor of Science)
    (Po-Vers. 2019w | TechFak | Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor of Science) | Gesamtkonto | Studienrichtung Allgemeine Elektrotechnik | Hauptseminare Allgemeine Elektrotechnik | Joint communications and sensing in wireless systems)
  2. Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor of Science)
    (Po-Vers. 2019w | TechFak | Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor of Science) | Gesamtkonto | Studienrichtung Mikroelektronik | Hauptseminare Mikroelektronik | Joint communications and sensing in wireless systems)


Joint communications and sensing in wireless systems (Prüfungsnummer: 25271)
Prüfungsleistung, Seminarleistung, benotet, 2.5 ECTS
Anteil an der Berechnung der Modulnote: 100.0 %
weitere Erläuterungen:
ca. halbstündiger Vortrag (60%), Ausarbeitung im Umfang von 7-10 Seiten (30%), aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion anderer Vorträge (10%)
Prüfungssprache: Englisch

Erstablegung: SS 2022, 1. Wdh.: WS 2022/2023
1. Prüfer: Norman Franchi

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