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Multi-scale Simulation Methods I (Lecture) (MuSiM I (L))

Dr. Stefan Sandfeld, Akad. Rat

1 cred.h, ECTS studies, ECTS credits: 1,5
nur Fachstudium, Sprache Englisch
Time and place: Mon 12:45 - 14:15, CIP Pool WW; comments on time and place: MuSim 1 T/L will take place at the WW8, Technikum 2 (1.OG), Fürth. DUE TO CONFLICTS WITH THE ADVANCED MATHS COURSE WE WILL START AT 19 OCT 2015!!!!
starting 19.10.2015

Fields of study
PF MWT-MA-WSI 1-2 (ECTS-Credits: 1,5)
WPF NT-MA ab 1 (ECTS-Credits: 1,5)
WPF MAP-S-CMP ab 3 (ECTS-Credits: 1,5)
WPF CE-MA-TA-CMS ab 1 (ECTS-Credits: 1,5)

Prerequisites / Organisational information
Prerequisite for this course is good knowledge of PYTHON.

If you haven't programmed in PYTHON yet you should take part in our PYTHON introduction course "Scientific Programming with PYTHON (SciProgPy)" which will take place during the week (5.10.2015-9.10.2015) before all lectures begin. For further details please refere to the UnivIS course "SciProPy".

These lectures provide a broad overview of simulation methods operating on length scales from the atomistic to the continuum scale. Simulation methods introduced include Molecular Dynamics, equilibrium and kinetic Monte Carlo simulation, mesoscopic methods such as e.g. Dislocation Dynamics and the Phase Field method, and continuum-level modeling of materials behavior in Finite Element simulations. The introduction of methods operating on different scales is complemented by a discussion of multiscale approaches, i.e. the linking of models operating on different scales. For most of the tutorials ‘Python’ will be used as programming language, which will be introduced in a separate short course (see above). This course is accompanied by practicals where the students will have the opportunity to numerically implement ‘one-scale’ models in a hands-on manner. This will be complemented by examples of information passing between different scales and the construction of simple multiscale models.

ECTS information:
Credits: 1,5

Additional information
Keywords: multi scale simulation, monte carlo, phase field method, finite element
Expected participants: 28, Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 40

Assigned lectures
UE: Multi-scale Simulation Methods I (Tutorial)
Lecturer: Dr. Stefan Sandfeld, Akad. Rat
Time and place: Mon 12:45 - 14:15, 2.018-2 Seminarraum Technikum 2; comments on time and place: siehe Bemerkungen zur entsprechenden Vorlesung / please see the comments for the lecture

Verwendung in folgenden UnivIS-Modulen
Startsemester WS 2015/2016:
Computational Material Science and Process Simulation 2 (CMPS2)
Kernfach Werkstoffsimulation (COMM)
Werkstoffsimulation (M2/M3) (COMM)
Werkstoffwissenschaftliches Wahlmodul A - WW8 (NanoSim)
Werkstoffwissenschaftliches Wahlmodul B - WW8 (NanoSim)

Department: Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffsimulation
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