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Einrichtungen >> Faculty of Engineering >> Verwaltung und Serviceeinrichtungen Technische Fakultät >> MAP - Elitestudiengang Advanced Materials and Processes >>

Geschäftsstelle des Studiengangs Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP)


Adsorption: Fundamentals and Applications [Adsorption]

VORL; 2 SWS; ECTS: 5,0; Due to the Corona Pandemic, the lectures/exercises will take place digitally.; Mi, 16:15 - 17:45, 04.019
Thommes, M.  

Application of Cell Technology [BioCT]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 3; Mo, 10:15 - 11:45, Zoom-Meeting
Detsch, R.
Boccaccini, A.R.

Basics in Advanced Processes 1 [B_AdPro_1]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 2,5; for details/registration see https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3399930.html; Di, 12:15 - 13:45, 0.154-115
PF MAP-K 1 Haumann, M.  

Basics in Biomaterials and Bioprocessing 1 [B_Bio_1]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 2,5; Do, 12:15 - 13:45, 1.84; Registration via StudOn required: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3306417_join.html
PF MAP-K 1 Boccaccini, A.R.
Castiglione, K.
Will, J.

Basics in Computational Materials Science and Process Simulation 1 [B_Compu_1]

VORL; 2 SWS; ECTS: 2,5; This lecture will be offered online via Zoom. There will be a mix between live-online lectures and recordings. The first lecture will take place on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 10:15am on Zoom.; Di, 10:15 - 11:45, Raum n.V.; All lecture contents (slides and recordings) will be uploaded to StudOn.
Engel, M.
Bück, A.

Besprechung Individueller Lehrplan mit neuen MAP Studierenden [MAP schedule]

EK; Online; Dates will be scheduled by MAP office
  Bitzek, E.
Vogel, N.

Besprechung studentischer Belange MAP [KMR]

GSZ; 2 SWS; Di, 10:00 - 11:30, Raum n.V.; Besprechungsraum MAP office
  Bitzek, E.
Vogel, N.

Biomimetic synthesis of materials [PF MAP-S-BMP 3]

VORL; Online/Präsenz; 2 SWS; ECTS: 1,5; Di, 16:15 - 17:45, H14
PF MAP-S-BMP ab 3 Wolf, S.E.  

Catalysis [Cat]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 3,5; Do, 10:15 - 11:45, 0.85; Registration via StudOn required: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3399990.html
PF MAP-S-AP 3 Franken, T.  

Chemical Reaction Engineering [CRE]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; ECTS: 5; Do, 14:15 - 15:45, 0.68; details available on Studon, https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3399894_join.html
PF MAP-O 1 Haumann, M.
Wolf, M.

Chemical Thermodynamics [CT]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 5; The lecture of winter term 2020/2021 will be held in digital form via video conference (ZOOM). To join this lecture you must register for the StudOn-course „Chemical Thermodynamics“ - https://www.studon.fau.de/crs2720434.html In case of registration problems, please contact the MAP office: map-office@fau.de A link to a video conference (zoom) will be provided on StudOn or sent by email. A timetable and further materials are available on StudOn.; Mi, 12:15 - 13:45, 0.154-115
PF MAP-O 1 Mokrushina, L.
Thommes, M.

Electronic Materials (VL und Seminar) [EM]

VORL; Online; 3 SWS; ECTS: 5; Lecture and additional seminar, registration via StudOn required; Mi, 9:00 - 10:00, 3.71; Do, 16:15 - 17:30, 3.71; final time and dates for seminar to be determined with Prof. Brabec
PF MAP-O 1 Brabec, Ch.J.  

Fluid Mechanics [FM]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 3; Geschäftsstelle des Elitestudiengangs Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP); Di, 8:15 - 9:45, Zoom-Meeting; Di
WPF MAP-O 1 Münsch, M.  

Fluid Mechanics - Übung [FM UE]

UE; Online; 2 SWS; ben. Schein
WPF MAP-O 1   
     Do10:15 - 11:45n.V.  Münsch, M. 

Interface Engineering and Particle Technology [IEPT]

VORL; 3 SWS; ECTS: 3; Online course with prerecorded and live components; asynchron (https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3262368.html); Di, Mi, 16:15 - 17:45
WPF MAP-O 1 Klupp Taylor, R.N.
Peukert, W.

Interface Engineering and Particle Technology Exercises [IEPT - Ex.]

UE; 1 SWS; nach Absprache im Wechsel mit Vorlesung
  Klupp Taylor, R.N.
Völkl, A.
Görlitzer, E.

Introduction to MAP 1st semester [Intro1]

EK; Online; Einzeltermin am 2.11.2020, 13:00 - 14:30; Join Zoom Meeting https://fau.zoom.us/j/99732886666?pwd=VWFRWnNSaWdGcGVrZGtqWUJBYVN3UT09 Meeting ID: 997 3288 6666 Passcode: 384030
PF MAP-O 1 Bitzek, E.
Vogel, N.

Introduction to MAP 3rd semester [Intro3]

EK; Online; Einzeltermin am 2.11.2020, 10:00 - 11:00; Join Zoom Meeting https://fau.zoom.us/j/92032104480?pwd=UElJMVhEYkxOc0NjOEhDYVc4NnIzZz09 Meeting ID: 920 3210 4480 Passcode: 057697
PF MAP-O 3 Bitzek, E.
Vogel, N.

Lab Course Fundamentals in Chemical and Bioengineering for MAP [Lab_CBI]

PR; Online/Präsenz; 2 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 2,5; Mo, 8:00 - 14:00; genaue Termin- und Gruppeneinteilung erfolgt zu Semesterbeginn!
WPF MAP-O 1 Vogel, N.  

Lab Course Material Science for MAP [Lab_WW]

PR; Online/Präsenz; 2 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 2,5; Registration required via https://www.studon.fau.de/crs3342128.html; Courses will take place 11 Jan. - 31 March 2021, details provided on StudOn
WPF MAP-O 1 Hagen, S.  

MAP Scientific Poster Presentation 2021 online [Poster]

PJS; Online; Einzeltermin am 12.2.2021, 15:30 - 18:00, Zoom-Meeting
  Klupp Taylor, R.N.
Bitzek, E.
Vogel, N.

Materials and Structure (Werkstoffe und ihre Struktur) [MS]

VORL; 2 SWS; ECTS: 3; Mi, 14:15 - 15:45, Raum n.V.; Course will be digital via Zoom; For further information please join StudOn:https://www.studon.fau.de/crs2350168_join.html
Will, J.
Spiecker, E.

Mechanical Properties and Structures of Advanced Materials [MAP-S-Nano]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; ben. Schein; ECTS: 2,5; Schwerpunktfach Nano; Di, 14:15 - 15:45, 3.31, Martensstr. 5; Registration via StudOn required: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs2351932_join.html
PF MAP-S-NM 3 Göken, M.
Neumeier, S.

Multi-scale Simulation Methods I (Lecture) [MuSiM I (L)]

VORL; Online; 1 SWS; ECTS: 1,5; Mo, 16:00 - 17:30, Zoom-Meeting; First lecture on 16.11.2020. There will be NO MuSim I L/T during the first week. Instead there will a Python course. Please sign up for the Python courses on StudOn!
WPF NT-MA ab 1
Moretti, P.  

Multi-scale Simulation Methods I (Tutorial) [MuSiM I (T)]

UE; Online; 1 SWS; ECTS: 1; Mo, 16:00 - 17:30, Zoom-Meeting; First lecture on 16.11.2020. Please see the comments for the lecture.
Moretti, P.  

Nanopolymers [NP]

VORL; 1 SWS; ECTS: 2,5; lecture dates: 10.11., 17.11., 24.11., 01.12., 08.12., 15.12.2020 and 12 Jan. 2021; Di, 10:15 - 11:45, 0.154-115; vom 10.11.2020 bis zum 12.1.2021
PF MAP-S-NM 3 Altstädt, V.  

Nanoscale Surface Characterization and Structures [SurfChar]

VORL; 2 SWS; ECTS: 2,5; Mi, 10:15 - 11:45, 0.85
PF MAP-K 1 Mohajernia, S.
Schmuki, P.

Numerische Methoden der Thermofluiddynamik [NMTFD VO]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; Mo, 14:15 - 15:45
Münsch, M.  

Numerische Methoden der Thermofluiddynamik - Übung [NMTFD UE]

UE; Online; 1 SWS; Mi, 14:15 - 15:45, 02.224 Cauerstr.9
Münsch, M.
Wagner, S.

Polymer Materials (PM) [Ziel nicht übernommen]

Zeit und Raum n.V.

Polymer Materials - Excercises

UE; Online; 1 SWS; Fr, 14:15 - 15:00, 1.84
  Vogel, N.
Schubert, D.W.

Polymerwerkstoffe in der Medizin [Ziel nicht übernommen]

Zeit und Raum n.V.

Porous Materials: Preparation principles, production processes and spectroscopic characterization [PorMat]

VORL; 2 SWS; ECTS: 5; Do, 12:15 - 13:45, K1-119 Brose-Saal; Die Lehrveranstaltung findet in digitaler Form statt. Bitte bei StudOn anmelden. Erster Termin Donnerstag, 12.11.2020 Zusätzliche Informationen sind dort erhältlich.
Inayat, A.
Hartmann, M.

Präparationsprinzipien und Herstellungsverfahren poröser Materialien / Preparation Principles and Production Processes of Porous Materials, Übung [Ziel nicht übernommen]

Zeit und Raum n.V.

Pre-course on Linux and Matlab (Block Lecture) [PrepLinux]

UE; Online; 1 SWS; Block lecture, mandatory for MAP students with focal subject Computational and CE students with TAF Computational Materials Science, registration mandatory via StudOn https://www.studon.fau.de/crs2322440_join.html; Q&A online sessions on Thursday 12 Nov., 08:00 - 10:00 and Friday 13 Nov. 13:00 - 15:00
Bitzek, E.
Ma, D.

Scientific Programming with Python [SciProgPy]

SEM; Online; 1 SWS; Einzeltermine am 5.11.2020, 6.11.2020, 14:00 - 16:00, Zoom-Meeting; 9.11.2020, 16:00 - 17:30, Zoom-Meeting; This course will be held as a compact block seminar during the first week of lecture period. This course is highly recommended for all students who take part in WW8 courses (e.g. MuSim 1 or FEM 1) and who don't have any prior Python knowledge. Since only limited places are available for this course you have to sign up for this course on StudOn.
Moretti, P.  

Scientific Skills II - Literature Review [LitRev]

SEM; 2 SWS; ECTS: 2,5; place: R. 0.332, LFG Seminarraum, Cauerstr. 4; Course will be offered as block seminar
PF MAP-O 3 Klupp Taylor, R.N.  

Soft Skills: Career Development 2 [S_SOFT_3]

SEM; 5 SWS; Schein; ECTS: 2,5; Seminare verschiedener Dozenten zu unterschiedlichen Themen, Koordination durch die MAP Geschäftsstelle; Fr, 8:00 - 18:00, Raum n.V.; Themen und detaillierte Zeitplanung sind in der MAP-Geschäftsstelle zu erfragen.
PF MAP-SOFT 3 MAP-Geschäftsstelle  

Thermodynamics and Mechanics of Materials [TD-Mech-Mat]

VORL; Online; 2 SWS; ECTS: 5,0; lecture and tutorial, see StudOn for details: https://www.studon.fau.de/crs2351695.html; Mo, 16:15 - 17:45, 0.154-115; ab 9.11.2020; can be subject to change
Bitzek, E.
Virtanen, S.

Trocknungstechnik/Drying Technology

VORL; ECTS: 5; Mi, 08:15 - 09:45, KS II; Seminar Raum LFG 0.332 - Cauerstraße 4, 91058 Erlangen
Bück, A.  

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