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Departments >> Faculty of Engineering >> Verwaltung und Serviceeinrichtungen Technische Fakultät >> MAOT - Master Programme in Advanced Optical Technologies (Elitestudiengang) >>

Geschäftsstelle MAOT


Advanced Laser

V/UE; 4 cred.h; certificate; ECTS: 5; Fri, 13:00 - 17:00, AOT-Kursraum; single appointment on 15.5.2015, 13:00 - 17:00, AOT-Bibliothek
WPF AOT-GL 2-3 Joly, N.  

Basic Course in optics V: Nonlinear optics

VORL; 2 cred.h; other courses not needed to attend this course; Wed, 9:00 - 11:00, SR 01.779
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF AOT-GL ab 1
WF PhM-BA ab 5
WF PhM-MA ab 1
Joly, N.  

Übung zu Basic Course in optics V:Nonlinear optics

UE; 2 cred.h; other courses not needed to attend this course; Mon, Wed, 16:00 - 18:00, SR 01.779
WF AOT-GL ab 1
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF PhM-BA ab 5
WF PhM-MA ab 1
Joly, N.  

C++ for Numerical Projects in Optics

VORL; 4 cred.h; certificate; ECTS: 5; Tue, 14:00 - 18:00, CIP-Pool in der Physik
WPF AOT-GL 2 Joly, N.
Abebe, B.T.

Clinical Applications of Optical Technologies and Associated Fundamentals of Anatomy [OMED/CA]

VORL; 4 cred.h; credit: 5; Tue, 10:15 - 11:45, AOT-Kursraum; Thu, 8:30 - 10:00, Anatomie II, Rondell, AOT-Kursraum; single appointment on 5.5.2015, 10:15 - 11:45, AOT-Bibliothek
  Eichhorn, M.  

Computational Optics CE & MAOT [CompOptCE+MAOT]

V/UE; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 7,5; Mon, 10:15 - 11:45, Übung 3 / 01.252-128
WF CE-BA-TW ab 4
Pflaum, Ch.  

Exercises in Computational Optics CE & MAOT

UE; 2 cred.h; ben. certificate
WF CE-BA-TW ab 4
WF CE-MA-AM ab 1
Hartmann, R.
Abebe, B.T.
12:15 - 13:45
10:15 - 11:45
Übung 3 / 01.252-128
Übung 3 / 01.252-128
  Hartmann, R.
Abebe, B.T.
     Thu12:15 - 13:45Übung 3 / 01.252-128  Hartmann, R.
Abebe, B.T.

Deutsch für MAOT: A1 (nicht öffentlich)

UE; 4 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Mon, Wed, 18:15 - 19:45, AOT-Bibliothek; starting 20.4.2015; Paul-Gordan-Straße 6
  Dönitz, Z.  

Deutsch für MAOT: A2 (nicht öffentlich)

UE; 4 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Tue, Thu, 18:15 - 19:45, AOT-Bibliothek; starting 21.4.2015; Paul-Gordan-Straße 6
  Gorbanov, N.  

Deutsch für MAOT: B1 (nicht öffentlich)

UE; 4 cred.h; Wed, Thu, 16:15 - 17:45, AOT-Bibliothek; starting 22.4.2015; Paul-Gordan-Straße 6
  Daumer-Hirschmann, H.  

Deutsch für MAOT: B2 (nicht öffentlich)

UE; 2 cred.h; Mon, 16:15 - 17:45, AOT-Bibliothek; starting 20.4.2015; Paul-Gordan-Straße 6
  Schlößer, S.  

Engineering of Solid State Lasers [ENGSSL]

VORL; 2 cred.h; ben. certificate; ECTS: 2,5; Fri, 08:15 - 09:45, SR LPT 02.030
Alexeev, I.
Pflaum, Ch.

How to survive in a job interview [KEY/JOB]

PRS; 1,5 cred.h; block seminar 15.5.2015-17.5.2015 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun, 9:00 - 18:00, AOT-Kursraum
  Stümpfig Barrinho, J.  

Image Processing in Optical Nanoscopy [IPNano]

V/UE; ECTS: 5; Mon, 8:15 - 9:45, 00.151-113; VL findet im Block statt, date for excursion to OICE is on 18.5.15 at 9:00, Dr. Donnert will give his lecture on 29.5. at 15:00 in room 00.133 (Cauerstr. 11, Neubau Informatik/Mathe), next lecture is on 17th of July at 10:00 in room 00.133
WF INF-MA ab 1
Köstler, H.
Donnert, G.

Interventional Medical Image Processing [IMIP]

VORL; 3 cred.h; Tue, Thu, 12:15 - 13:45, H15; starting 16.4.2015
Maier, A.  

Lab course "Computational Optics" [CO/SIM]

PR; 2 cred.h; single appointment on 22.4.2015, 13:00 - 17:00, AOT-Kursraum; single appointment on 30.4.2015, 8:00 - 12:00, AOT-Kursraum; single appointment on 13.5.2015, 13:00 - 17:00, AOT-Kursraum; single appointment on 21.5.2015, 8:00 - 12:00, AOT-Kursraum; Overlapping courses for the four session will be called off for these days
  Horneber, Ch.  

Labcourse: Optical Material and Systems [OMS/LAB]

PR; 2 cred.h; certificate; ECTS: 2,5; Fri, 6:00 - 12:00, AOT-Praktikumslabor; Thu, Mon, 15:00 - 21:00, AOT-Praktikumslabor; Displayed times are just option. Actual time slots will be discussed in preliminary meeting on 17th April; Preliminary meeting: 17.4.2015, 17:00 - 18:00 Uhr, AOT-Kursraum
WPF AOT-GL ab 2 Joly, N.
Perez Castaneda, A.M.

Labcourse: Optical Material Processing [OMP/PP]

PR; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; Number of places limited; only for students for whom the lab course is mandatory!; Preliminary meeting: 15.4.2015, 16:00 - 17:30 Uhr, BR MB1
WPF AOT-GL ab 2 Tenner, F.  

Labcourse: Surgery and Biooptics [OM]

PR; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; single appointment on 29.4.2015, single appointment on 6.5.2015, single appointment on 20.5.2015, single appointment on 27.5.2015, 12:00 - 16:00, AOT-Kursraum
WPF AOT-GL ab 2 Stelzle, F.  

Laser Tissue Interaction [LTI]

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; the exercises for Laser Tissue Interaction are mandatory for this lecture!
WPF AOT-GL 2 Klämpfl, F.  
     Thu16:15 - 17:45AOT-Kursraum  Klämpfl, F. 

Laser Tissue Interaction Exercises [LTI-E]

UE; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 2,5; Fri, 10:15 - 11:45, AOT-Bibliothek
WPF AOT-GL 2 Hohmann, M.
Hagen, J.F.

Lasersystemtechnik 2 [LST2]

VORL; 2 cred.h; Wahlfach Lasertechnik Vertiefung; Thu, 14:15 - 15:45, SR LPT 02.030; ACHTUNG: erster Termin am 23.04.2015
WF MB-DH 6-8
WF MB-MA-FG3 1-3
WF ME-DH 6-8
Hoffmann, P.
Bischof, C.

Light Scattering.: Lecture

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Tue, 12:15 - 13:45, AOT-Kursraum; single appointment on 5.5.2015, 12:15 - 13:45, AOT-Bibliothek; starting 21.4.2015
WPF AOT-GL 2-3 Fröba, A.P.  

Light Scattering.: Exercise

UE; 2 cred.h; Thu, 14:15 - 15:45, AOT-Kursraum
WPF AOT-GL 2-3 Fröba, A.P.  

Linear and non-linear fibre optics [LinNLFO]

VORL; 2 cred.h; certificate; ECTS: 5; Thu, 14:15 - 15:45, HF-Technik: SR 5.14, (außer Thu 11.6.2015, Thu 9.7.2015); single appointment on 11.6.2015, single appointment on 9.7.2015, 14:15 - 15:45, HF-Technik: BZ 6.18
Jordan, M.
Schmauß, B.

Linear and non-linear fibre optics: Exercise [LinNLFO Ex]

UE; 2 cred.h; Mon, 12:15 - 13:45, HF-Technik: SR 5.14, HF-Technik 6.30; No exercise in the first week! Details will be discussed in the first lecture.
Jordan, M.  

Optical Manufacturing Metrology [OMM]

VORL; 2 cred.h; Fri, 10:00 - 11:30, K1-119
Hausotte, T.  

Optical Manufacturing Metrology - Übung [OMM UE]

UE; 2 cred.h; Fri, 8:15 - 9:45, K1-119
Hausotte, T.
Galovskyi, B.
Loderer, A.

Optical properties of modern materials

V/UE; 4 cred.h; Mon, 14:15 - 15:45, AOT-Kursraum; Fri, 10:15 - 11:45, AOT-Kursraum; single appointment on 4.5.2015, 14:15 - 15:45, AOT-Bibliothek
Zhuromskyy, O.  

Pattern Analysis [PA]

VORL; 3 cred.h; ben. certificate; ECTS: 5; Mon, 8:30 - 10:00, H16; Tue, 8:15 - 9:45, H16
Hornegger, J.
Riess, Ch.

Physik der Biosensorik / Physics of Biosensing

VORL; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 5; mündliche Prüfung: Dauer 20 Minuten; Thu, 13:00 - 14:30, HF
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF BIO-BA ab 5
WF ILS-BA ab 5
WF AOT-GL ab 1
Vollmer, F.  

Übungen zur Vorlesung Physik der Biosensorik /Exercises Physics of Biosensing

UE; 1 cred.h; every 2. week Thu, 14:30 - 16:00, HF
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
WF BIO-BA ab 5
WF ILS-BA ab 5
WF AOT-GL ab 1
Vollmer, F.  


VORL; 2 cred.h; Mon, 8:00 - 10:00, SR 00.732; nach Vereinbarung; Preliminary meeting: 13.4.2015, 10:00 Uhr
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
Leuchs, G.
Averchenko, V.

Übung zur Vorlesung "Quantenoptik"

UE; 2 cred.h; Tue, 8:00 - 10:00, SR 00.732; nach Vereinbarung
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
Leuchs, G.
Averchenko, V.

Quantum and classical experiments with structured light [PS QuantOpt]

HS; 2 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Wed, 15:00 - 17:00, HF
WPF Ph-BA ab 5
WPF Ph-MA ab 1
Banzer, P.
Marquardt, Ch.

Quantum Computing - Grundlagen der Quanteninformationsverarbeitung/Elective Course in Physics: Quantum Computing

VORL; 2,5 cred.h; ECTS: 5; Tue, 14:00 - 16:00, HD; single appointment on 2.6.2015, 14:00 - 16:00, HH
WF M-BA ab 4
WF M-MA ab 1
WF Ph-BA ab 5
WF Ph-MA ab 1
Grassl, M.
Leuchs, G.

Scientific Writing

UE; 1,5 cred.h; Thu, 10:00 - 12:00, AOT-Kursraum; 16 hours course; 4x2 hours: 16th April, 23th April, 07th May, 28th May; further hours will be discussed in the first meeting
  Stümpfig Barrinho, J.  

Seminar on Solar Energy [SolarSem]

SEM; 2 cred.h; ben. certificate; ECTS: 5; Preliminary meeting: 15.4.2015, 11:00 - 12:30 Uhr, 3.71
WF MWT-BA-S ab 5
WF ET-BA ab 5
WF ET-MA ab 1
WF AOT-GL ab 1
Pflaum, Ch.
Brabec, Ch.J.
Hornich, J.
     Wed11:00 - 12:30n.V.  Brabec, Ch.J.
Pflaum, Ch.
Hornich, J.
 Vorbesprechung in Raum 3.71, Martensstr. 7 (WW) am 15.04.2015, 11-12.30 Uhr

Signal processing in optical communication systems [OIC/SP]

VORL; 2 cred.h; certificate; ECTS: 2,5; single appointment on 8.5.2015, single appointment on 9.5.2015, single appointment on 22.5.2015, single appointment on 23.5.2015; The lecture had to be cancelled! It might be repeated in a later semester.
WPF AOT-GL 3 Bülow, H.  

Spectroscopic ellipsometry [OM/ELL]

V/UE; ECTS: 5; Tue, 8:15 - 9:45, AOT-Kursraum; Thu, 12:15 - 13:45, AOT-Kursraum; single appointment on 5.5.2015, 8:15 - 9:45, AOT-Bibliothek
  Zhuromskyy, O.  

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