Informationssystem der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg © Config eG 
CoCar - Cooperative Cars

Cooperatively acting vehicles represent a substantial innovation for future traffic management solutions and for the next generation of driver assistance systems. Including efficient communication mechanisms into future cars can be seen as a central task. This comprises both the direct (or indirect) vehicle to vehicle communication (C2C) as well as the vehicle to infrastructure communication (C2I) for sending and analyzing real-time traffic conditions in order to generate and broadcast important traffic information.
Main questions that CoCar will tackle by means of simulation studies and cross-layer optimization techniques are (among others):
  • Which effects are to be expected for the network signalling and which protocols have to be provided to support future telematic applications?

  • Which latency and load behaviour patterns are induced by CoCar application scenarios?

  • Which additions/changes at existing system concepts are to be accomplished and which requirements arise for future, network-supported communication services?

  • How can traffic status information be acquired automatically in real-time and provided for CoCar users inside the cars by using UMTS services?

The research work in CoCar is driven by an interdisciplinary, internationally acting consortium, consisting of prominent telecommunication network operators, network equipment suppliers as well as car and truck manufacturers. Industrial research is thereby supplemented by university research partners that preparatory work in the form of distinctive subcontracts.
The objectives and ambitions of CoCar are put high and aim on making Germany the technology leader within the range of C2C and C2I applications based on cellular mobile UMTS communications. The final goal is to develop an open European standard to export vehicle communication solutions into future European cars.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard German, Dr.-Ing. Winfried Dulz

Dipl.-Inf. Christoph Sommer

C2C (Car to Car); C2I (Car to Infrastructure); 3G+; UMTS; IP-based communication protocols for telematic applications; simulation; cross-layer design and optimization

Laufzeit: 1.11.2006 - 30.4.2009

Vodafone Group R&D Germany (München)

Mitwirkende Institutionen:
Lehrstuhl für Mobilkommunikation (Prof. Dr. Koch)

German, Reinhard
Telefon +49 9131 85 27916, Fax +49 9131 85 27409, E-Mail: reinhard.german@fau.de
Sommer, Christoph ; Schmidt, Armin ; German, Reinhard ; Koch, Wolfgang ; Dressler, Falko: Simulative Evaluation of a UMTS-based Car-to-Infrastructure Traffic Information System. In: n.b. (Hrsg.) : Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 3rd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications ((IEEE GLOBECOM 2008), (AutoNet 2008) New Orleans, LA December 2008). 2008, S. -.
Sommer, Christoph ; Dietrich, Isabel ; Dressler, Falko ; Dulz, Winfried ; German, Reinhard: A Tool Chain for UML-based Modeling and Simulation of VANET Scenarios with Realistic Mobility Models. In: n.b. (Hrsg.) : Proc. of 9th ACM Intern. Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM Mobihoc 2008 (Demo Session) Hong Kong, China May 2008). 2008, S. -.
Sommer, Christoph ; Yao, Zheng ; German, Reinhard ; Dressler, Falko: On the Need for Bidirectional Coupling of Road Traffic Microsimulation and Network Simulation. In: n.b. (Hrsg.) : Proc. of 9th ACM Intern. Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing, 1st ACM International Workshop on Mobility Models for Networking Research (ACM Mobihoc 2008, MobilityModels'08 Hong Kong, Cina May 2008). 2008, S. 41-48.
Sommer, Christoph ; Yao, Zheng ; German, Reinhard ; Dressler, Falko: Simulating the Influence of IVC on Road Traffic using Bidirectionally Coupled Simulators. In: n.b. (Hrsg.) : Proc. of 27th IEEE Conf. on Computer Communications : Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments (IEEE INFOCOM 2008 : MOVE 2008 Phoenix, AZ, USA April 2008). 2008, S. -.
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