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The execution of tests is often a time consuming process. But already the generation of the different test cases is taken by itself a complex process, which is also time consuming and which can be in principle executed automatically with help of a computer, like the actual tests. Another obstacle for the automatic tests, besides the long runtimes, is it to provide the hard- and software environment in which the program to be testet is later run. These problems shall be solved in "Test@Cloud: Model-centered Tests in virtualized test environments" with help of a cloud computing approach with suitable virtualization technics. The provision of different hardware and operating system environments shall be tackle with help of virtualization platforms and virtual machines.
Project manager:
Matthias Pruksch

Project participants:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Fey, Dr.-Ing. Johannes Hofmann

Cloud, Model-centered Tests

Duration: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2014

Sponsored by:
IuK Bayern

Mitwirkende Institutionen:
sep.med GmbH

Pruksch, Matthias ; Limmer, Steffen ; Hofmann, Johannes: Der modellzentrierte Test geht in die Cloud. In: SQ-Magazin (2012), No. 24, pp 16-17
Ditter, Alexander ; Limmer, Steffen ; Fey, Dietmar ; Pruksch, Matthias: Modellzentrierter Test in virtualisierten Testumgebungen. In: mechatroniknews April (2013), pp 3-4
Ditter, Alexander ; Pruksch, Matthias ; Limmer, Steffen ; Fey, Dietmar: Testen in der Cloud - Automatisiertes Testen in virtualisierten Umgebungen. In: elektrotechnik Juli/August (2013), No. 7/8, pp 62-63
Limmer, Steffen ; Ditter, Alexander ; Fey, Dietmar ; Pruksch, Matthias ; Braun, Christopher ; Drescher, Florian ; Beißer-Dresel, Martin: Test@Cloud - A Platform for Test Execution in the Cloud. In: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Ed.) : Parallel-Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen (Parallel -Algorithmen, -Rechnerstrukturen und -Systemsoftware Potsdam 07.-08.05.2015). 2015, pp 131-141. (Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., No. 32)
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