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Mobile Devices in the English Classroom -Blockseminar-

Johannes Offinger

, Sprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermine am 4.5.2017 14:15 - 15:45, KH 1.012; 2.6.2017, 7.7.2017 14:15 - 18:45, C 303

Mobile devices today are introducing exciting new possibilities when it comes to digital learning. This seminar wants to show ways how smartphones and tablets can be used in a structured and profitable way in the EFL classroom. In the first session we will focus on the theoretical background of mobile (language) learning and the presentation of different apps and webtools. We will then concentrate on the practical usage of smartphones and tablets by creating and presenting different motivating and encouraging tasks.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Institution: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
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